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Boy, we’ve wrapped even MORE good stuff into this week’s installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments”! (I know, I know . . . just when you thought we couldn’t.)

First and foremost, all of the recruiters involved in this week’s installment attend Top Echelon Network conferences and conventions on a regular basis.

'Comments' and ComplimentsSecond, one pair of recruiters has now made six split placements together, and the genesis for their Trading Partner relationship happened at a Top Echelon Network conference.

Third, the other pair of recruiters made their first split placement together in the Network, both recruiters attended the 2012 Fall Conference in Chicago, and there’s a good chance that both will be attending the upcoming 2013 National Convention in St. Petersburg.

Fourth . . . well, there isn’t a fourth.  Wait a minute, there is!

FOURTH, you need to register for the National Convention and “celebrate in Florida” with these recruiters!  They’re going to be there and they’re going to want to meet, network, and have fun!  Why?  Because that’s what we do!

The National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at the TradeWinds Resort.  Sign up now at the Early Bird Registration price of just $495 per person.  Join us in St. Pete for our 25th anniversary . . . it won’t the same without you!

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Maria HemmingerDavid M. Sgro, CPC“The MJR/True North Consultants team strikes again!  Dave was an excellent partner.  He traveled with me to visit my client on-site and supplied excellent candidates for the position.  Another reason to celebrate in Florida in April!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, Inc.

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the sixth split placement that Hemminger and Sgro have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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“Thanks, Chuck, for sending a great candidate.  He was the perfect fit for my client.  I also wish to commend you on your professionalism.”

Submitted by Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates here regarding his split placement with Chuck Szajkovics of Bulldog Recruiters, Inc.

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Sunshine and Szajkovics have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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We’ve filled this issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog to the rim . . . with the rich taste of Brim!

No, wait a minute. That’s not right. That’s a decaffeinated coffee commercial from the 1980s. Okay, I have it now.

We’ve filled this issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog to the rim . . . with the sweet taste of success!  AND the rich taste of more money!

'Comments' and ComplimentsAnd we’re not going to stop now! Oh, no.  This blog post alone is so rich I needed to drink a glass of milk while I wrote it.  That’s because this blog post contains both the #1 and #3 recruiters in the Network for 2012, and they didn’t even make the most impressive placement in the post (even though it was their seventh overall).

No, the most impressive placement in this blog post involves a picture-perfect example of how a “true partnership” results in split placements dollars and more revenue for your recruiting firm.  It involves all Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network (Quality, Communication, Trust, and Active Participation), not to mention enthusiasm, expertise, and professionalism.

And there might have been some coffee involved, too, decaffeinated or otherwise.  What of it?  The point is that there are recruiters leveraging the valuable resources available in Top Echelon Network (the software, the training, and the people) every day of every year, and that’s why they continue to make split placements and enjoy wildly successful, highly profitable, and very satisfying years on their desks!

I need another glass of milk.

If you’d like to compliment one of your Trading Partners for a recent split placement (and mention chocolate AND/OR peanut butter in the process), send your comments to, and they’ll appear in a future issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

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Maria HemmingerJim Folger“This placement was all about a true partnership with Jim Folger.  He assisted me from the beginning by supplying me with tools to assist in making a good hire.  Then he was excited about the chance to partner with me on such a GREAT opportunity.  Jim supplied a candidate that blew everyone else out of the water.  This is a GREAT TE story that we will be telling for years to come.  Thank you, Jim, for your partnership and assistance!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with Jim Folger of ONESource Technical, Inc.

Fee Percentage—27.5%

(Editor’s note: this is the second split placement that Hemminger and Folger have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Maria HemmingerTrey Cameron“A split with Trey on my birthday!  Happy to split this one with Trey.  Happy to split all of them with Trey.  Just HAPPY to do splits!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the seventh split placement that Hemminger and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon Network.)


There is NO way I’m stopping at half a cup!


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We’ve compared Preferred Membership in Top Echelon Network to quite a few things.  Some of them had nothing to do with recruiting (not directly, anyway).  Some of them were, quite frankly, confusing.

We’ve managed to combine both of those in this week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments.”

'Comments' and ComplimentsIn our defense, we had plenty of help this time.  Namely, we had help from the job order recruiter in one of the split placement situations listed below.  How did he help us?  He basically gave us the idea for this blog post’s title . . . and for that, we’re very grateful.

Because when you’re a Preferred Member of Top Echelon Network, “split placement magic” can happen anytime and any place.  However, when and where isn’t nearly as important as HOW—how these job placement recruiters continually make placement after placement together.  (In this particular case, the recruiters involved have now made six split placements.)

They make these split placements the way they should be made, mainly with the Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network: Quality, Communication, Trust, and Active Participation.

So buckle up and get ready to enjoy this week’s “Magic Pooh Ride”!

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Patrick StaudacherSean Napoles, CPC“Sean, once again you came through.  There is nothing like standing in lne for the Pooh Ride at Disney with my kids and getting an offer email from a client.  That is the magic of Top Echelon!”

Submitted by Patrick Staudacher, CPC of Talsco, Inc. regarding his split placement with Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.

Position Title—SAP ANALYST SD
Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the sixth split placement that Staudacher and Napoles have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Ed Keil, CPCDavid Wick, CPC“Dave and I have had multiple splits together, and I really enjoy working with him.  Thanks again, Dave, and I hope some of our other activity we have going results in additional success!”

Submitted by Ed Keil, CPC of Reliance Recruiting, LLC regarding his split placement with David Wick, CPC of Career Center of Cincinnati, Inc.

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the second split placement that Keil and Wick have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Why did Top Echelon Network Preferred Members like to work with one another to make split placements together?

This week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments” answers that question rather easily.

'Comments' and ComplimentsBoth of the recruiters who submitted comments featured this week described their Trading Partner in glowing terms, especially in regards to working with the other person during the split placement process.

Among the phrases used to compliment the other recruiter are the following:

  • “amazing to work with”
  • “pleasure working with him”
  • “fantastic” to work with”
  • “a lot of fun to work with”

Who wouldn’t want to work with another recruiter if the experience was that good and a placement fee resulted from it?  So, c’mon . . . make split placements a bigger part of your business model in 2013.  Just like contract staffing, all the cool recruiters are doing it.

Don’t you want to be cool?  (And make more money, too?  Can’t forget THAT.)

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Deb North“Jim provided me with an ‘A’ candidate!  The candidate had the skills and pedigree that the client looks for, but he was amazing to work with.  Jim only sends me candidates that fit what the client is looking for.  It was definitely a pleasure working with him!  I am looking forward to doing more business with him in the future!”

Submitted by Deb North of Deb North Consulting, LLC regarding her split placement with James Compton of Compton & Associates

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that North and Compton have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Rich Harrold“Rich has been fantastic to work with.  He screens his candidates and really gets to know them.  He’s a great sourcer, very dependable, works hard, and is a lot of fun to work with!”

Submitted by Chris Shoulet of Top Dog Recruiting regarding his split placement with Rich Harrold of Front Line Solutions, LLC

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the second split placement that Shoulet and Harrold have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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It’s official!  It’s 2013?  What does that mean?  More split placements, that’s what!

Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiters made more split placements in 2012 than they did in 2011, and one reason for that was their use of Hiring Hook websites for recruiters.

'Comments' and ComplimentsHiring Hook websites include a Job Board plug-in that affords the opportunity for Preferred Members to not only post their own jobs to their firm’s website, but also the jobs of other Network Members—thereby increasing the chances for split placement activity.

Just such a split placement leads off this week’s installment of ‘Comments’ and Compliments” (the first installment of the New Year!)  The icing on the cake?  It’s the first split placement between these two Network recruiters.  Once you break the ice, there might be even MORE icing on the cake.  Does that make sense?  I don’t know, but a placement is a placement.

Don’t forget: we’re offering FREE evaluations of your firm’s website.  All you have to do is submit your firm’s website address.

Click here for your FREE website evaluation!

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Jim Strickland“This was one of those ‘wasn’t supossed to happen’ placements, but it did!  A hard-to-find candidate was lured to Jim’s website and from there it was all good!”

Submitted by Catherine Sousa of Morton Roper Careers regarding her split placement with Jim Strickland of BioSource International.

Fee Percentage—15%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Sousa and Strickland have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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describe the image“Brian is always good to work with.  He knows and understands manufacturing so that when I get a candidate, I feel comfortable knowing that the candidate has been well-screened and ready to go through the process.  Thanks, Brian!”

Submitted by Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates regarding his split placement with Brian Courtney of The Courtney Group

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Sunshine and Courtney have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Fireworks are often used to celebrate the beginning of a New Year.  But if those people were recruiters, they’d probably want to make placements right before the New Year instead.

Like these recruiters, for instance!

'Comments' and ComplimentsThis past year was very good to the Trading Partner relationship of two of the job placement recruiters below, as they made four split placements during 2012.  Those recruiters, Georgette Sandifer and Larry Radzely, have now made seven split placements together in Top Echelon Network.

The other recruiters in this week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments” recently made their first split placement together in the Network.  That, of course, is also cause for celebration.

Seventh split placement, first split placement, the beginning of a New Year . . . let the party begin!

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split fee recruiting placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Georgette SandiferLarry Radzely“Larry is a power partner!  I am really enjoying the success we have had this year.  Just think what we can accomplish in 2013!”

Submitted by Georgette Sandifer of Gallman Consulting regarding her split placement with Larry Radzely of Adel-Lawrence Associates, Inc.

Fee Percentage—22.5%

(Editor’s note: this is the seventh split placement that Sandifer and Radzely have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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“Bob, thank you for your great help and service!”

Submitted by Mike Lupidi of M.J. Lupidi & Associates, Inc. regarding his split placement with Bob Allen of The ManCom Team, Inc.

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Lupidi and Allen have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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There’s all sorts of good stuff in this week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments“!

One set of recruiters is making their fourth split placement together . . . but the first in a different niche.

Another set of recruiters is making their first split placement together . . . and for one of the recruiters, it’s their first-ever split placement in Top Echelon recruiter network!

But wait, there’s more!

'Comments' and ComplimentsWe’re talking about split placements that happened because of the high quality of the candidates submitted by the exporters in each case.  Phrases like “stellar candidates” and adjectives such as “hard-to-find” typify this week’s comments.

What does this mean?  If you have an open job order and you’re having trouble finding the right type of candidates to fill that order, use the resources of Top Echelon’s split fee recruiting network to help you do it.  It worked for these recruiters, and it can work for you.

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Carolyn BarcusMark London“The DB/Digital Marketing space seems to be difficult for the unitiated to get their arms around.  Mark has jumped into this space with determination and is really finding some stellar candidates.  We will have more of these splits soon!”

Submitted by Carolyn Barcus of Barcus Associates regarding her split placement with Mark London of Command Consultants, Inc.

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the fourth split placement that Barcus and London have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Michael Stuck“It was great working with Harry on his first split [in the Network].  He found a solid candidate with hard-to-find ‘mobile developer’ skills and is currently looking for more for me.  Thanks, Harry!  Let’s get another one.”

Submitted by Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc. regarding his split placement with Harry C. Anderson of Andex Executive Search

Fee Percentage—15%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Stuck and Anderson have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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The headline of this week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments” says it all.

Why is that?  Because that’s what we want ALL Preferred Member recruiters in Top Echelon Network to say about their Trading Partners!

'Comments' and ComplimentsAnd what makes these comments even more special is that they involve a split between two new Network Members who made their first placement.  Nothing stokes confidence about the future than success in the present, and that’s exactly the case here.

As if that’s not enough, the other two recruiters in this week’s installment also made their first split placement together.  Their success underscores the importance of the split fee recruiting Network even further.  You don’t have to be a new Preferred Member to make splits with recruiters you’ve never made splits with before.

All you need is the desire to make split placements with Network recruiters you’ve never made splits with before.  Desire precedes everything.  If you have that, you’ll make split placements . . . just like these recruiters.

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Deb NorthDan Kuenn“Dan is amazing to work with.  He is the most thorough recruiter out there.  He gives you such great information, you don’t typically even need to talk to the candidates.  He does an amazing job of qualifying candidates and relaying the communication.  Dan and I have a great future of making money together!”

Submitted by Deb North of Deb North Consulting, LLC regarding her split placement with Dan Kuenn of Rowbottom Partners

Fee Percentage—10%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that North and Kuenn have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Nick StoiaGeorgette Sandifer“It was great working with Georgette, who is here locally in S.C.  This was our first split placement together.  Georgette was available to help if needed along the process.  She really gave this search focused attention, and now we have this good result.”

Submitted by Nick Stoia, CPC of ASAP Search and Recruiters regarding his split placement with Georgette Sandifer of Gallman Consulting

Fee Percentage—22.5%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Stoia and Sandifer have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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What qualities do Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiters want in their Trading Partners?  Well, a lot of them, actually . . . but we have at least two in this week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments“!

Those qualities, which are included below, form the framework of yet another formula for success in the Network.  That formula is as follows:

‘Responsive’ + ‘Supportive’ = ‘Thrilled’

'Comments' and ComplimentsRecruiters want Trading Partners who are responsive and supportive, among many other things.  However, when those two qualities are exhibited during a search, not only is the client thrilled with the candidates provided, but both recruiters are also thrilled because they get to split a fee from a placement they probably would not have made on their own.

And as a recruiter, is there a better reason to be thrilled?  We think not.

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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<Ed Keil, CPCDavid Wick, CPC“Dave is a great supplier and always works hard to fill our position.  We’ve been close a couple of times and finally hit one.  Dave was very responsive and supportive throughout the process and willing to get his hands dirty when needed.  Thanks again, Dave.  Let’s do it again!”

Submitted by Ed Keil, CPC of Reliance Recruiting, LLC regarding his split placement with David Wick, CPC of Career Center of Cincinnati, Inc.

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Keil and Wick have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Chris WellingtonPeter Ambrose“Great candidate ID by Peter.  Within days of this [job] being posted, we had [the candidate] submitted and interviewing for a job with one of our top clients!  We’re very thrilled by how this came together.”

Submitted by Chris Wellington of Bio-Partners Search Group, LLC regarding his split placement with Peter Ambrose of Reliance Recruiting, LLC

Position Title—SENIOR BUYER
Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Wellington and Ambrose have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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It’s no secret that recruiters like a speedy hiring and split placement process.

It’s also no secret that a speedy hiring and placement process is also beneficial for companies, too, since it reduces the chance that they’ll miss out on top talent (especially if that talent accepts another offer because the company is moving at roughly the speed of glacial drift).

Unfortunately, a speedy process is often the exception and not the rule.  However, there is a way to “speed” up the placement process, and that’s with a Top Echelon Network Trading Partner!

'Comments' and ComplimentsThat’s because Trading Partners are just that—partners in the placement process.  They’re in the trenches of the placement with you, facing the same challenges and overcoming the same obstacles.  You can bounce ideas off one another, and you can tag-team the search.

The result?  Not only a placement that you might not have made on your own, but also a placement that happened more quickly than it would have otherwise.  Really, how can you beat making money you wouldn’t have made by yourself and making it faster than you would have made it even if you HAD made it by yourself in the first place?

I know, I know . . . easier done than said.

If you’d like to thank another member of the recruiter network for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

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Cheryl CampbellAngela Jacobson“Angela has hung in here after sending multiple candidates for different positions, and we finally got a placement together!  My clients are picky and some people give up.  Hoping we get another one soon!”

Submitted by Cheryl Campbell Lang, CPC of Career Search Associates regarding her split placement with Angela Jacobson of Capstone Sourcing Center, Inc.

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Campbell and Jacobson have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Michael PetrasKen Nunley“I enjoyed working with Ken Nunley.  He was very helpful and patient throughout a long and challenging search process.”

Submitted by Michael Petras of Michael Petras Recruiting regarding his split placement with Ken Nunley of 7 Solutions USA

Fee Percentage—22.5%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Petras and Nunley have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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