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A funny thing happens when Preferred Member recruiters in Top Echelon Network attend events like the National Convention, or more recently, the Fall Conference.

They make split placements.

Well, maybe that’s not a funny thing.  It is a profitable thing, though, to which the majority of the recruiters below can attest.

Recent PlacementsThose recruiters include Karen Akbal-Sturgeon of KLA Industries, who took her entire office to the Fall Conference.  She has not one, but TWO split placements listed in this week’s issue, and one of the two was with another recruiter who attended the conference.

In all, over half of the recruiters below attended the Fall Conference, and some of the ones that didn’t have attended other Top Echelon Network events in the past.

It’s a tried-and-true formula: Top Echelon recruiters + attendance at conferences and conventions = split placements. Even if you hate math, that’s one equation you just have to love.



Karen Akbal-Sturgeon, CPCGreg DownsJob order recruiter: Karen Akbal-Sturgeon of KLA Industries

Candidate recruiter: Greg Downs of Downs Associates


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Karen Akbal-Sturgeon, CPCJob order recruiter: Karen Akbal-Sturgeon of KLA Industries

Candidate recruiter: Chuck Szajkovics of Bulldog Recruiters, Inc.


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Jane H. Ko, CPCEd NathanJob order recruiter: Jane H. Ko, CPC of Staffing Partners, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Ed Nathan of Systems Search


Fee Percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Nick StoiaKathryn ShepherdJob order recruiter: Kathryn Shepherd, CPC/CSP of The Focus Agency

Candidate recruiter: Nick Stoia of ASAP Search and Recruiters


Fee Percentage—Flat

Action causing split placement: The job order or candidate was found by searching the Members’ Area.

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Dan Funke, CPCJob order recruiter: Dan Funke of Johnson Resource Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: John Peterson of Sun Recruiting, Inc.


Fee Percentage—Flat

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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<Angela MarascoPeter OettingerJob order recruiter: Angela Marasco of A. Marasco Recruiting, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Peter Oettinger of Front Line Solutions, LLC


Fee Percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPCDon FredrickJob order recruiter: Pamela Ratz Deville, CPC of Managed Medicaid Services

Candidate recruiter: Don Fredrick of Executech, Inc.


Fee Percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Bob WickClay JohnsonJob order recruiter: Clay Johnson of Clifton Johnson Associates, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Bob Wick of Career Center of Cincinnati, Inc.


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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A couple of weeks ago, I invited everybody to check out our “25th Anniversary Facebook Photo Extravaganza.”  That’s because we’ve been posting photos of Top Echelon Network conferences and conventions from the past 25 years, and we love taking a “stroll down memory lane.”

Well, now I bring news of a new batch of photos.  These are from the recent Top Echelon Network Fall Conference in Chicago, and you guessed it—I’m inviting everybody to check these photos out, too!

Click here to access photos from the 2012 Fall Conference!

Keep in mind that these represent a “starter pack of pics” for the conference.  We’ll be posting even more in the future, so be on the lookout for them.

Oh, and if you have time, would you be so kind as to “like” Top Echelon Network on Facebook?  I mean, what’s NOT to like, right?.

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The end is near!

The end of Early Bird Registration for the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference, that is, and what could be more devastating than that?  (Well, maybe a few things, but let’s not discuss those.)

Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSInstead, let’s focus on the fact that this year’s conference features sourcing guru Shally Steckerl as its main speaker; it includes Big Biller recruiting software training by Internet Strategies Manager Todd Bossler; and most importantly, it offers plenty of opportunities for you to meet and network with other recruiters so you can find more Trading Partners and make more placements!

This year’s Fall Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12, at the Sheraton Chicago O’Hare.

BUT there’s only a little more than a week left until the end of Early Bird Registration, which is Friday, September 7!

Don’t wait until the deadline, though.  Deadlines have a way of passing you by, and this is one deadline you do NOT want to miss.

Register for the conference now, and not only save yourself a headache, but save some money, too!

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View the preliminary agenda.
See who’s already signed up.
Register for the Fall Conference.

In last week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we talked about how Karen Akbal-Sturgeon of KLA Industries is taking her entire office of recruiters to the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference in Chicago this October.

This week, we’re highlighting Jim Petitpren and Pam Petitpren of The PRA Group, Inc., who are also planning to attend the Fall Conference.  However, their story is a bit different, and this is why:

  • They joined Top Echelon Network as Preferred Member recruiters in February of this year.
  • They immediately registered for the National Convention, which was held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tenn.
  • When online registration for the Fall Conference went live, Jim and Pam were among the first Preferred Members to sign up.

Recently, we asked them why they were so anxious to attend another Top Echelon Network event, and this is what Pam had to say:

Pam Petitpren“Top Echelon Recruiters are the best of the best.  We met so many great new Trading Partners and began so many great new relationships, the [National Convention] was an event that gave us energy and a new perspective on how we do our recruiting, in and out of Top Echelon Network.

“The content of the recruiter discussions was extremely valuable and the speaker was great.

“Besides, it’s nice to get out of the office and get fresh ideas and perspectives from other recruiters whose business models are similar to ours.  There’s so much to talk about and learn from one another.”

The Fall Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12, at the Sheraton Chicago O’Hare.  Early Bird Registration for the conference is currently underway. The price of Early Bird is just $210 per person.

However, this price won’t be around forever.  Sign up now and plan to join us in Chicago for a great training and networking event!

View the preliminary agenda.
See who’s already signed up.
Register for the Fall Conference.

We talk all the time about how Preferred Member recruiters should attend events like the Top Echelon Network Fall Conference.  However, this week we’re going to let other recruiters do the talking.

In this case, that recruiter is Karen Akbal-Sturgeon of KLA Industries, who’s bringing ALL of the recruiters in her office to the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference.  Below are her thoughts about the upcoming conference and why she’s attending:

Karen Akbal-Sturgeon, CPC“The Big Biller training is really helpful for the rookies.  So much slips through the cracks, and I always learn something new from the upgrades that come up.  My senior recruiters also need updated on the changes and the added features.

“The Icebreaker [Reception] is good for team building and networking within the industry and helps recruiters to run ideas past other recruiters and build relationships with future split partners in their area.

“This year’s training by Shally [Steckerl] is huge for developing recruiting search skills that I can never keep up on, and [our recruiters] need to know it!  This type of recruiter training was what tipped the scale in bringing everyone.

“I like the Lightening Rounds, so the rookies can learn from the veterans other than myself about the topics important to the industry.  I want them to build relationships with recruiters in our niche so they can find candidates quicker and make more placements!

“I want [our recruiters] to see and hear how much money certain recruiters are making and see themselves doing that.

“The whole experience: driving up, eating together, and going out with the gang, is great for team building and morale and building loyalty.”

The Fall Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12, at the Sheraton Chicago O’Hare.  Early Bird Registration for the conference is currently underway. The price of Early Bird is just $210 per person.

However, this price won’t be around forever.  Sign up now and plan to join us in Chicago for a great training and networking event!

View the preliminary agenda.
See who’s already signed up.
Register for the Fall Conference.

Are you in a “sourcing slump?”  Can you just not seem to find the candidates you need to find for your clients’ job orders?  Do company officials keep asking you for another candidate, over and over again, until you wonder what the point of it all is?

Well, then you’re in luck!

That’s because industry trainer Shally Steckerl is the main speaker for the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference, and the title of one of his sessions is “The Top Four Cures for Your Sourcing Slump.”

Below is the official description of that session:

Shally SteckerlBreak through your LinkedIn barriers, speed up your sourcing with search shortcuts, and get social without wasting time!

Use tools such as Social CSE, Cloud Doc CSE, Wink, Pipl, peekyou,, and LinkedIn Hack to make the most of your social sourcing.

Quick and simple search shortcuts via numrange, intext, Gigablast, Blekko, DuckDuckGo, and filetype CSE allow you to be more efficient.

Want to know how to “pimp your profile”?  Keywords, meta tags, and adwords make the distinction.  Enhance your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and profiles through differentiation.

Wondering how to break through those LinkedIn barriers?  Alumni search, skills beta, sperse, and Bing first name last intial, along with find members of ANY group will be sure to get you out of your sourcing slump!

The Fall Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12, at the Sheraton Chicago O’Hare.  Early Bird Registration for the conference is currently underway. The price of Early Bird is just $210 per person.

However, this price won’t be around forever. Sign up now, save money, and plan to join us in Chicago for a great training and networking event!

View the preliminary agenda.
See who’s already signed up.
Register for the Fall Conference.

For Preferred Member recruiters who are awash in job orders right now, getting their hands on qualified candidates is a top priority . . . and they can do just that at the upcoming Top Echelon Network Fall Conference.

Shally SteckerlThe Conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12, at the Sheraton Chicago O’Hare.  How are you going to find the candidates you need at the Fall Conference?

First and foremost, you’ll be meeting and greeting other Preferred Members, who will be bringing their hot job orders and candidates with them.  Second, the main speaker for the conference is Shally Steckrl, one of the recruiting industry’s leading sourcing specialist.

Below are the titles and descriptions of the three sessions that Steckerl will be presenting in Chicago:

‘Simple Search Shortcuts’

Quick and simple search shortcuts via numrange, intext, Gigablast, Blekko, DuckDuckGo, and filetype CSE allow you to be more efficient.

‘Break LinkedIn Barriers’

Wondering how to best break those LinkedIn barriers?  Alumni search, skills beta, sperse, bing first name last initial, along with find members of ANY group will be sure to get you out of your sourcing slump!

Enhance your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and profiles by differentiation.

‘Sourcing Time Savers’

Learn how to use tools such as Social CSE, Cloud Doc CSE, Wink, Pipl, peekyou,, and LinkedIn hacks as time-saving methods to make the most of your social sourcing.

Early Bird Registration for the Fall Conference is currently underway.  The price of Early Bird is just $210 per person.  However, this price won’t be around forever.  Sign up now, save money, and plan to join us in Chicago for a great training and networking event!

And of course, find the candidates you need . . .

Register for the Fall Conference.
View the preliminary agenda.
See who’s already signed up.

Matt Deutsch
Well, maybe “mania” is a bit strong of a word to use.  Maybe.

But as Mark Demaree announced earlier, the site and the dates for the 2013 National Convention have been set.  Not only that, Drea Codispoti announced the site and dates for the 2012 Fall Conference earlier this month.

Sure, there are plenty of details to release, loose ends to tie up, etc., etc.  However, I’d like to focus on an important aspect of these two upcoming events:

The official hashtags for each.

As you may remember (or perhaps you don’t), the official hashtag for the 2012 National Convention was #TENAT12.

Many recruiters used that hashtag while tweeting at the National Convention in Nashville.  Consequently, we now have hashtags for the 2012 Fall Conference and 2013 National Convention.  Because fair is fair.

As you might imagine, the hashtag for this year’s Fall Conference is as follows:


That would mean the hashtag for the next year’s National Convention is this:


As I’ve mentioned previously, all you have to do is include this hashtag with every one of your tweets regarding the Fall Conference and/or National Convention.  Here’s an example:

So far, this is the best Top Echelon Network event I have attended . . . this year . . . in Chicago. #TEFALL12

You don’t have to physically be at either of these events to tweet about them, either.  You can use the hashtag even if you’re just tweeting your thoughts from the comfort of your own home . . . in your pajamas . . . while you watch an episode of Glee.

The power is in your hands.


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Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSI have great news: the dates AND the location for the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference have been set!

Those dates are Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12.

The location, of course, is Chicago.  More specifically, though, the location is the Sheraton Gateway Suites.  We’ve held the Fall Conference at the Suites countless times in the past, but last year we deviated from that routine and the site of the conference was the Embassy Suites.

However, we’re excited to be back at the Sheraton, and we’re excited to invite you to join us in Chicago for another great event.  There was a healthy turnout recently at the National Convention in Nashville, and we anticipate that attendance at the Fall Conference could be even higher.

Below are some things you should look for in the weeks and months ahead:

  • The cost of the convention—We’ll be releasing “Early Bird Registration” soon.
  • The room rate for the hotel—We’re in the process of negotiating that, and we’ll announce that, as well.
  • The speaker for the convention and the preliminary agenda—We’ll release this information at the same time we release “Early Bird Registration.”

In the meantime, circle the dates for the Fall Conference on your calendar: Thursday, October 11, and Friday, October 12.  Make plans to join us in Chicago.

And remember . . . I’ll know if you’re not there.

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