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Sean Herndon of Employment Partners Group and Richard Connors of Vista Technology

MEETING OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MINDS: Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiters Sean Herndon of Employment Partners Group (left) and Richard Connors of Vista Technology met each other face-to-face recently for discussing business and recruiter networking.  Since both of their firms are located in Massachusetts, there’s a good chance they also discussed the defending World Series champion Boston Red Sox!

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We at Top Echelon Network are continually emphasizing that Members should meet one another on a face-to-face basis.  That’s one of the many reasons we hold  National Convention and Fall recruiter conferences every year.  But we also like to encourage Members to meet outside of those events, and as often as possible.

The photo above was emailed to Top Echelon by Network recruiter Sean Herndon of Employment Partners Group, who recently met with fellow Preferred Member Richard Connors of Vista Technology.  Herndon just joined the Network a little over a week ago, but he’s already “hitting the ground running” by meeting another Network recruiter and potential Trading Partner.  By engaging in face-to-face recruiter networking, he’s definitely off to a good start in terms of doing the things a recruiter needs to do to be successful in Top Echelon Network!

If you have information and/or a photo of your latest face-to-face meeting with another Preferred Member recruiter, please send that information to

At Top Echelon, we like to feature recruiters who are doing things the right way in the Network.  This, of course, means that we highlight a heck of a lot of recruiters.

After all, split placements in Top Echelon Network are up nearly 25% over this time a year ago.

The Trading Partner relationship that we’re featuring this week is comprised of one of the Network recruiters who started in the industry in 1991 and one who started in 2006.  One recruiter has made 181 Network placements, and the other has made 19 Network placements.

Together, they’ve made 14 split placements in Top Echelon Network during the past four years.  Not only that, but the fee for their most recent split placement (highlighted below) totaled $47,500!

Once again, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the recruiting business, how long you’ve been in the Network, or what industry you work: you can make split placements with another recruiter, regardless of their tenure or their experience.  And not just a few splits, either—14 of them!

So congratulations to these two Top Echelon Network recruiters for splitting that large fee, for building and sustaining such an awesome Trading Partner relationship, and for doing things the right way.

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Rebecca KohnDan Simmons, CPC“This is the 14th split placement that Rebecca and I have made in the last four years.  Continued communication between partners in an industry pays off.”

Submitted by Dan Simmons, CPC of Continental Search & Outplacement, Inc. regarding his Network split placement with Rebecca Kohn of Affinity Executive Search


Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the 14th Network split placement that Simmons and Kohn have made together in Top Echelon.)

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The 2013 National Association of Personnel Services is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, through Friday, September 13!  The location for the event is the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

That’s a little over a month away!  That’s just one reason why you should register now for what’s sure to be one of the most heavily attended events in the recruiting industry this year.  Below are a bunch of other reasons to register:

  • NAPS Recruiting Conference20 of the recruiting industry’s leading speakers
  • CPC, CTS, and CERS certification sessions
  • Networking lunches
  • Fast-track speaker breakouts
  • An “Owner/Manager Special Day”!
  • And a whole lot more!

As we’ve mentioned on several occasions, Hiring Hook recruitment website design and Big Biller recruiting software for applicant tracking are both sponsors of this year’s NAPS Conference!

The cost to attend the conference is $795 for NAPS members and $1,195 for non-members.  Recruiters are encouraged to contact NAPS about special pricing and payment plans.

Since 1961, NAPS has built a reputation for being the educator for the executive search and staffing industry.  The organization has accomplished this not only through its annual conference, but also through its certification program and emphasis on continuing education for search professionals.

This is it!  Only one month to go!  Sign up today!