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Let’s just face the hard facts: winter is NEVER going to end!  It’s just going to keep snowing and snowing and snowing . . .

That’s why you must go to the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention in Florida next month!  So you can enjoy the warm weather and sandy beaches.  So you can wear shorts and flip-flops.  So you can stop worrying about slipping on the sidewalk and breaking something you might need.

And yes, there could be a pile of money waiting for you in Florida.

But more importantly, winter is NEVER going to end!  (Did we mention that already?)

Did we also mention:

  • Beer ManThat industry legend Danny Cahill is the main speaker for the convention?
  • That Bob Marshall and Amy Bingham are also going to present sessions?
  • That this is our 25th anniversary convention?
  • That the cost of registration is just $560 per person?
  • That the Gala Event is going to “blow the roof” off the convention (NOT literally . . . we hope)?
  • That we will probably enter into a period of deep introspection and self-analysis if you don’t attend?

Well, if we didn’t, we’re mentioning all of that right now.  We’re also mentioning the fact that we recently posted photos from the last time we were at the TradeWinds Resort in St. Petersburg.  That was the 2000 National Convention, and there are quite a few current Network recruiters who also attended that event.

This year’s National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27.  It will probably still be snowing wherever you are on those dates . . . or it will be 30 degrees . . . or both.

You owe yourself a break.  You owe yourself a trip to sunny and warm Florida.  You owe it to yourself to make more money.  You owe it yourself to attend the convention!

So register for the 2013 National Convention!

And snowing and snowing and snowing . . .

Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSWe have an epidemic on our hands . . . an epidemic of recruiters making split placements because they met at the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference!

We’ve been chronicling these placements during the last several weeks, first to give the recruiters involved some publicity and second to underscore the value associated with attending events like the Fall Conference . . .

And the upcoming 2013 National Convention.

Is St. Petersburg Beach a nice place to hold a convention?  Of course.  Will you gain knowledge by listening to our great lineup of speakers (Danny Cahill, Amy Bingham, and Bob Marshall)?  Of course.

But what’s the main reason to attend this convention, the reason that promises the most value and holds the most potential?

The opportunity to meet recruiters you’ve never met before (specifically within your industry and/or niche), to form Trading Partner relationships with those recruiters, and then to make money with those recruiters!

Sound too good to be true?  It’s not.  The evidence of this “split placement epidemic” is mounting, and there’s more of it below.

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Deb NorthKristy Jones“I met Kristy at the Chicago conference and could tell immediately that she is a real pro.  We have a very similiar ‘style,’ and it’s great working together.  I anticipate more placements for she and I in the future!”

Submitted by Deb North of Deb North Consulting, LLC regarding her split placement with Kristy Bellingham Jones of Jones-Ingham Exec and Sales Recruiting

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that North and Jones have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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The 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at the TradeWinds Resort Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Click here to see who is already registered for the convention.  One (or more) of these recruiters could be your next Trading Partner.  Three or four months from now, you could be making a split placement—or maybe even two, like Joe Noto and Anjela Mangrum.

What are you waiting for?  Go to Florida, find Trading Partners, and make money!

Register for the 2013 National Convention!

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Recruiter Network Pile of Money

Is there a pile of money waiting for you at the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention in Florida?

There was a pile of money waiting for two Network recruiters at the 2012 Fall Conference.

Those two recruiters were Joe Noto of Regency Search Group and Anjela Mangrum of Mangrum Career Solutions, LLCWe recently chronicled the split placement they made that was a direct result of their attendance at the Fall Conference.

However, that was just the beginning of the story.

That’s because Noto and Mangrum have made ANOTHER split placement.  The best part?  This second placement happened because Noto’s client wanted to hire the second candidate that Mangrum presented for another position.

That’s how much the client liked both of the candidates that Mangrum provided to Noto and that Noto presented to the client.

One search, two candidates, two placements, two placement fees . . . and one big pile of money.

Are you going to Florida for your pile of money next month?  Or are you going to let somebody else have it instead?  If it’s the latter, we’ll let you know who takes it.  Their story will run in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, just like this story:

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Joe NotoAnjela Mangrum“After meeting at the 2012 TE conference in Chicago, Angela contacted me indicating her interest in working together on any searches I may have.  Shortly thereafter, I contacted Angela for help on a Director of Purchasing search.  She provided two great candidates who were right on target.  My client hired one for the Director of Purchasing position, and two weeks ago contacted me wanting to hire the other candidate for this ERP System Implementation Manager position.  So . . . two splits from one search.”

Submitted by Joe Noto of Regency Search Group regarding his split placement with Anjela Mangrum of Mangrum Career Solutions, LLC

Fee Percentage—Flat

(Editor’s note: this is the second split placement that Noto and Mangrum have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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The 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at the TradeWinds Resort Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Register for the 2013 National Convention!

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Matt DeutschBelieve it or not, two months of the year are already gone!  What the heck happened to them?  I have no idea, but I do know this: Early Bird Registration for the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention ends on Friday, March 1!

What is that important?  It’s important because you can save money while signing up for our 25th anniversary event.  The price of Early Bird Registration is just $495 per person.

It’s also important because attending events like the National Convention is one of the best ways to enjoy more success as a Preferred Member recruiter in Top Echelon Network.  I know, I know, we sound like a broken record, don’t we?

Well, there’s a reason for that: because we’re telling the truth!

We have case study after case study and story after story illustrating the value that attending these events can bring you, your recruiting desk, and your recruiting firm.  We’re not making this stuff up.  We’re just reporting it, and below are a few examples:

Anjela Mangrum makes her first Network split placement with Joe Noto after meeting at the 2012 Fall Conference!

Top Producers Maria Hemminger and Suzanne Griffith also make a split placement after the 2012 Fall Conference!

Cindy Szajkovics and Peter Oettinger make a split placement after meeting at the 2012 National Convention!

We want YOU to be our next case study.  We want to use the story of one of YOUR placements to help convince other Preferred Members of the value that attending our conventions can provide.

But we need YOU to attend the National Convention first!  Attend the convention, meet other recruiters, find Trading Partners, and make placements that you wouldn’t have made otherwise.

And yes—that’s absolutely as much fun as it sounds.  We’ll see you in Florida!


Register for the 2013 National Convention!

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Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSThe forensic crime drama CSI and its spin-offs have enjoyed a long life on network television.  One of the most memorable lines from that series—its signature line, really—is “The evidence never lies.”

And so it is with the value associated with attending Top Echelon Network conferences and conventions: the evidence of that value never lies, and that evidence almost always takes the form of split placements between Preferred Member recruiters.

Take, for example, the two recruiters involved in our most recent case study.  One is a veteran of the recruiting industry who’s been a Member of the Network for 20 years.  The other became a Preferred Member in April of 2012.  Both attended the 2012 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference in Chicago.

While at the conference, they networked with one another, but more importantly, they continued to network after the conference was over.  What was the result (or perhaps more accurately, the evidence)?  It was a split placement mere months later, and not only that, it was the first Network split for the new Preferred Member.

If these two recruiters hadn’t attended the Fall Conference, they wouldn’t have met, they wouldn’t have networked, and they would NOT have made this split placement.

The evidence never lies . . .

This convention case study is a prime example of Network success, and it’s also a prime reason why you should attend the upcoming Top Echelon Network National Convention!

Want another reason?  Early Bird Registration for the convention ends on Friday, March 1.  You only have a few days left, so sign up now!

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Joe NotoAnjela Mangrum“I believe Anjela contacted me as a follow-up from the Chicago Fall Conference.  After our discussion, I contacted her with info about this search.  She subsequently provided me with two candidates, and both of them were right on target.  Of the three finalists for the position, two of them were Anjela’s.  I appreciate help from TE Trading Partners, but what I appreciate most is when the candidates are well qualified by recruiters and right on target.  Anjela did a great job with both.”

Submitted by Joe Noto of Regency Search Group regarding his split placement with Anjela Mangrum of Mangrum Career Solutions, LLC

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Noto and Mangrum have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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The 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at the TradeWinds Resort Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Register for the 2013 National Convention!

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Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSWe’ve just added another reason to attend the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention!

Yes, Danny Cahill is the keynote speaker.

Yes, the site of the convention is St. Petersburg Beach in warm and sunny Florida.

Yes, the Network is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

But now, I’m pleased to announce that we’re adding yet another great speaker to our convention lineup.  In addition to Cahill and Amy Bingham, Bob Marshall of TBMG International will also be in St. Pete.

Bob has been a speaker for us before, and he’s conducted numerous webinars for us over the years.  In fact, the one that he did earlier this month (“8 Steps for Recruiting Candidates You Can PLACE!”) was one of the most popular ones we’ve had in recent years.  That’s because Bob addresses issues that recruiters are struggling with on their desk right now, and he’s going to do the same thing at the convention.

Bob is scheduled to speak on Saturday, April 27, which is the final day of the convention. (The official dates of the convention are Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27.)

Bob is putting together an all-new presentation, one that involves recruiting scripts that you can use on your desk immediately and that can help you overcome your most pressing obstacles.  The areas that Bob will cover with his scripts include the following:

  • Marketing
  • Recruiting
  • Objections
  • Closing

These scripts—and this session—will be a great way to help you conquer the rest of 2013 on your recruiting desk and make this one of your best years ever . . . but you have to attend the convention first!

Register for the 2013 National Convention!

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Matt DeutschSure, the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention isn’t for another couple of months.  However, this is our 25th anniversary celebration!

With that in mind, we have to get a head start on the festivities.  We must generate “buzz,” so to speak, so that this will be one of our best networking events ever.  (No pressure, Deutsch . . . no pressure.)

Considering that Top Echelon Network is on Twitter (@tenetwork), we’ve had an official hashtag for our past few conferences and conventions.  This will once again be the case for the 2013 National Convention.

A hashtag is a tool within Twitter used to aggregate the conversation surrounding a topic, or in this case, an event.  You create a hashtag by combining the pound sign (#) with a word, acronym, or phrase.

As an example, below is the official hashtag of the 2013 National Convention:


Include this hashtag with every one of your tweets regarding the National Convention.  Keep in mind that you don’t have to physically be at the convention to do it.  You can use the hashtag even while tweeting from anyplace at anytime about any aspect of the event.

When I tweet this blog post, I’ll insert #TENAT13 at the end of my tweet.  Later, if you conduct a search in Twitter using #TENAT13, Twitter will find and present all of the tweets that include that hashtag.

Oh, and one last thing: sign up for the National Convention now, before Early Bird Registration ends!

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