National Convention Registration Starts Next Wednesday!

Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSAs I announced recently, Early Bird Registration for the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention starts on December 5 (that’s next Wednesday, for those of you keeping track at home).

As always, the convention will be sensibly priced for the Preferred Membership.  We haven’t raised the price of our National Convention in years.  In fact, we’ve even dropped the price.  That’s how much we believe in the value that the convention offers.

However, we’re not the only ones who believe in that value.  There are plenty of Preferred Member recruiters who believe, as well, and that’s because, as the saying goes, “seeing is believing.”  Specifically, these recruiters have seen the results in the form of split placements and additional revenue for their recruiting firms.

Two of those recruiters—Cindy Szajkovics of Bulldog Recruiters and Pete Oettinger of Front Line Solutions—are featured below.  They met for the first time this past spring at the 2012 National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

As a result of that meeting, they recently made a split placement together, a placement they might not have made otherwise, and that means they could make even more splits in the future.  (Where there’s one, there could be many.)

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Peter Oettinger“Pete has helped us by sending qualified candidates, and we look forward to more splits.  We met him at the Nashville convention, and it’s a relationship we will continue!”

Submitted by Cindy Szajkovics of Bulldog Recruiters, Inc. regarding her split placement with Peter Oettinger of Front Line Solutions, LLC

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the first split placement that Szajkovics and Oettinger have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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The 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27, at the TradeWinds Resort Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida.  Remember, the main speaker for the convention is Danny Cahill of, one of the most recognized and respected names in the recruiting industry!

And yes, next year marks the 25th anniversary of Top Echelon Network.  And yes, we want you to attend the National Convention.  And yes, it’s going to be fun.  And yes, if you attend, you could make money with people you’ve never met before.

So when when I ask if you’ll register for the convention next week, I hope your answer will be “Yes!”

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