This week’s installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments” illustrates perfectly why it pays to form Trading Partner relationships with other recruiters.
And pays . . . and pays . . . and pays.
That’s because the four recruiters featured this week have made a total of 13 split placements together. When you make one split placement with another recruiter, chances are good that you’ll make more—and these recruiters are prime examples of that.
In addition, their potential for making splits in the future is unlimited. They know each other well, they know how they work together, and they’re comfortable with the process and one another.
It’s a tried and true formula for making more money—and these recruiters have perfected the formula.
If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in the recruiter split fee network, send your information to Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!
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>“Terry and Mary Beth yet again had a good understanding of what my client was looking for and sent an A+ matched candidate, so we were able to get an interview and offer/acceptance VERY QUICKLY. Let’s do a few more like this!”
Submitted by Suzanne Griffith, CPC of J S Griffith & Associates regarding her split placement with Terry Rhodes of newcareers
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: this is the fourth split placement that Griffith and Rhodes have made together in Top Echelon Network.)
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“Way to go, Bob. Candidate was dead-on! Always great to work with you.”
Submitted by Marc Tappis of Opportunity Search, Inc. regarding his split placement with Bob Small of Carroll Technology Services, Inc.
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: this is the ninth split placement that Tappis and Small have made together in Top Echelon Network.)
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