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Mark DemareeAt Top Echelon, we believe in the value that industry events like conferences and conventions offer.

We also believe in the value that membership in state, regional, and national recruiting associations and organizations offers.

Those are just two of the reasons that we’re both sponsoring and attending a number of industry events and association conferences throughout all of 2012—and two of those events are this week!

One of them is the Illinois Search & Staffing Association (ISSA) Midwest Conference, and the other is the New England Association of Personnel Services (NEAPS) Annual Conference.

Below is information regarding both events . . .

Illinois Search & Staffing Association (ISSA) Midwest Conference

The ISSA Midwest Conference will be held on Thursday, May 3, at the CareerBuilder offices in Chicago, Illinois.  Top Echelon Internet Strategies Manager Todd Bossler will be in attendance at the event.

ISSA LogoAmong the speakers scheduled to present during the conference:

  • Shally Steckerl of The Sourcing Institute
  • Mary B. Lucas, B.D.
  • Tom Erb, President of Tallann Resources
  • Aaron Green, ASA and founder of Professional Staffing Group

From 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, there will be a networking reception that includes the sponsors of the conference.  Top Echelon is a Gold Sponsor for this event, so be sure to seek out Todd and say hello.

We’re all about networking . . . and that’s especially true of Todd.

Click here for more information about this conference.

New England Association of Personnel Services (NEAPS) Annual Conference

Yours truly will be in attendance at this event, which will be held from Thursday, May 3, through Saturday, May 5.  The location is the Sheraton Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, N.H.

NEAPS LogoThe theme of this year’s NEAPS Conference is “Betting on Success in 2012.”  On Friday, there will be a special “Dinner and Casino Night,” which includes a delicious multi-station buffet dinner that features several New England favorites.

In addition, there will be a silent auction with a number of attractive items.  Among them are Boston Red Sox tickets, New England Patriots tickets, a weekend in the White Mountains, and training sessions by industry favorite Barb Bruno.

This year’s charitable contributions for the silent auction are earmarked for the Richie McFarland Children’s Center.

If you’re attending the NEAPS Conference this week, I look forward to seeing you there and speaking with you in person about your Network Membership, recruiting in general, and other topics you’d like to discuss.

Click here for more information about this conference.

These are just two of the events that we’ll be attending in 2012.  Rest assured that we’ll let you know of other conferences we plan to attend in the future.

As I said, we believe in industry events and we believe in these associations and organizations.  We also believe that you can gain a tremendous amount of value by attending . . . and that’s why we’ll be there.

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330.455.1433, Ext. 172
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All networking between Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiters does NOT take place over the phone.  In fact, some of the most effective networking does not.

Members often network at events like the upcoming 2012 Fall Conference and 2013 National Convention . . . yes, that’s a hint . . . we want you to register for both . . . we’re shameless.

Recent PlacementsNetworking can also occur on the golf course, and that was the case for two of the Preferred Member recruiters included in this week’s installment of Completed Split Placements.  Those two recruiters are Russell Schutt, CSP of Progressive Executive, Inc. and Jim Folger of ONESource Technical, Inc.

But wait—there’s more!  (Of course there’s more.)

We also have a Preferred Member recruiter who’s made two split placements this week, each one with a different Trading Partner.  That recruiter is Greg Downs of Downs Associates, who is quietly productive in Top Echelon Network, making a total of seven split placements since January of 2011.

So remember, it doesn’t matter where you network (like for instance, the 2012 Fall Conference), it’s just important to network . . . because split placements will more than likely follow.



Russell SchuttJim FolgerJob order recruiter: Russell Schutt, CSP of Progressive Executive, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Jim Folger of ONESource Technical, Inc.


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: “Regular golf meetings with Jim to discuss golf and recruiting. I stink at golf, so I might as well make money.”


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Greg DownsHank KappelJob order recruiter: Hank Kappel of H. Kappel Recruiting

Candidate recruiter: Greg Downs of Downs Associates


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: The job order or candidate was found by searching Top Echelon’s split databases.


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Greg DownsJob order recruiter: Bob Allen of The ManCom Team, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Greg Downs of Downs Associates


Fee Percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter


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Maria HemmingerGene McQueen

Job order recruiter: Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Gene McQueen of the Cameron Craigh Group


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter


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Ed NathanJor order recruiter: Phil Wallner of Provident Link, Ltd.

Candidate recruiter: Ed Nathan of Systems Search


Fee Percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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David KerseyMike HelffrichJob order recruiter: David Kersey of Kersey & Associates, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Mike Helffrich of Helffrich International


Fee Percentage—30%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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If you’d like to see the amount of the fees associated with each of the split placements listed above, login to the Members’ Area and click on the profiles of the recruiters involved.  The fee totals will be included along with those split placements.

Remember, you can opt out of having your split placement highlighted.  Just send an email to indicating your desire to be left out.  Once you do so, you won’t be included in future installments of this feature.

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330.455.1433, x125
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Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERSLast month, I announced that we were starting a new Virtual Core Group for the month of April.  That group was for the Aerospace/DOD industry, and I’m glad to say that group will be sticking around.

In fact, if you look at the chart below, you’ll notice that the Virtual Core Group schedule for the month of May looks remarkably similar to the schedule for April.  There’s a good reason for that: the schedules are the same (although the dates have been changed to protect the guilty).

As I’ve mentioned before, Virtual Core Group meetings are regularly scheduled conference calls for Preferred Member recruiters who work in the same industry or niche.  During these calls, recruiters share information about the activity they’re seeing, they share hot job orders and candidates, and they also bounce ideas off one another.

And of course, participating in Virtual Core Groups is one of the things that leads directly to making more split placements!  I can’t emphasize that fact enough.

Below is the Virtual Core Group conference call schedule for the month of May (all times listed are Eastern Standard Time):


Date Core Group/Time Core Group/Time Core Group/Time
Thursday, May 3
Manufacturing, Engineering
noon to 1 p.m.
Accounting, Finance
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Biotech, Pharma, Medical Device
3 to 4 p.m.
Thursday, May 10
noon to 1 p.m.
Software Sales
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Information Technology
3 to 4 p.m.
Thursday, May 17 Open for New Group Open for New Group Open for New Group
Thursday, May 24
Open for New Group Open for New Group Open for New Group


The first two Thursdays of the month are filled with conference calls and the third and fourth Thursdays are open.  If you don’t see your industry or niche represented in the chart above, I am ALWAYS willing to start a new group.

If you think you’d like to start a new Virtual Core Group—or join an existing one—please contact me!

I’d also like you to contact me if you have questions about other things you could be doing to maximize your Network Membership.

Let’s make 2012 a great year.  It’s almost halfway over.  Let’s make some split placements!

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330.455.1433, x156
Connect with Drea on LinkedIn.
Follow Drea on Twitter.

(Editor’s Note: This is the next in a series of guest blog posts about contract staffing, courtesy of Top Echelon Contracting, the recruiter’s back-office solution.  Similar posts will appear in future issues of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.)

Debbie FledderjohannDo your clients know how to hire for attitude?

According to Mark Murphy, author of Hiring for Attitude, employers’ inability to successfully assess candidates’ attitudes during the hiring process is the reason why so many fail so quickly.

In a recent Forbes interview, Murphy said that of the 200,000 new hires his research company recently tracked, 46% failed within the first 18 months.  Attitudinal reasons, such as lack of coachability, low levels of emotional intelligence, motivation, and temperament, accounted for 89% of those bad hires.

Attitude is harder to assess than skills because candidates can easily be tested for skills.  But if a candidate doesn’t possess all the necessary skills, they may be able to gain them through training.  However, training can’t change a candidate’s attitude.

So how can employers find candidates with the right attitudes?  Murphy recommends asking better interview questions and getting referrals from their star employees.  But the only way to truly know if a candidate’s attitude meshes with the company culture is to see them in action.

Your clients can do that by initially bringing workers in on a contract-to-direct basis.  That way, they can assess a candidate’s attitude for a certain amount of time before making the risky, and often costly, direct-hire commitment.

There are some things that the traditional job interview just cannot tell an employer.  By allowing your clients to try-before-they-buy, you can help them reduce their bad hires and become their valued partner as a result.


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“It’s a small world after all . . . it’s a small world after all . . . it’s a small world after all . . . it’s a small, small world.”

Okay, since that song will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day, we can proceed.

'Comments' and Compliments ExtraIt IS a small world, especially if you’re a recruiter.  After all, you interact with people all the time, every day, and this installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments” illustrates that perfectly.

It includes two Preferred Member recruiters who not only made a split placement together recently, but who also have a connection with another Preferred Member in Top Echelon Network . . . which, of course, makes it a small, small world.

The recruiters in question are Debra Stitt, CPC of Quality Source, Inc. of Ohio and Kim Kirby of Balanced Career Solutions, Inc.  The other recruiter whose thread runs through the entire story: David J. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

Stitt’s comments regarding the split placement are below, followed by Kirby’s.  If you’d like to compliment a Trading Partner in a more extensive manner regarding a split placement, email your comments and information to

“It’s a small world after all . . .”

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Debra Stitt, CPC“Making this split with Kim was AWESOME.  She actually worked the order with me and presented several very viable candidates, many of whom made it at least to the phone screen stage.  As it turns out, Kim and I have something in common.  Dave Sgro, Sr. trained me in the biz, and Kim worked for him after I had left the firm.  Small world!  No wonder this one ‘fit like a glove.'”

Position Title—Human Resource Generalist
Fee Percentage—25%

Submitted by Debra Stitt, CPC of Quality Source, Inc. of Ohio regarding her split placement with Kim Kirby of Balanced Career Solutions, Inc.

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Kim Kirby“I enjoyed working with Debra on this placement.  She knew her client well and was very clear on the types of candidates she was looking for and provided timely feedback so that I knew if I was on the right track.  Thanks, Debra!”

Position Title—Human Resource Generalist
Fee Percentage—25%

Submitted by Kim Kirby of Balanced Career Solutions, Inc. regarding her split placement with Debra Stitt, CPC of Quality Source, Inc. of Ohio


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330.455.1433, x125
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They say it takes a village to raise a child.  That may be true, but that’s only relevant insofar as sometimes it takes two recruiters to fill a job order.  (The connection?  There really is none.  But stay with me.)

'Comments' and ComplimentsTake, for example, the Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiters being highlighted in this week’s installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments.”  They worked together to fill a job order and make a placement, and as a result, they split a placement fee.

Here’s the kicker: without the efforts of BOTH recruiters during the placement process, the deal may never have happened.  The position would have stayed open, and if it was filled, it might possibly have been filled with some other candidate from some other recruiter.

Now that would have been a travesty.  That’s why it’s easy to see that two heads + one job order = placement success.

It’s been proven time and time again in the Network, and it will be proven again in the future.  Enlisting the expertise, experience, and resources of another recruiter in your niche will greatly increase your chances of filling more of your clients’ job orders—and of course, making more placements.

If you’d like to thank another recruiter for their efforts in a split placement situation, send your information to  Your comments might be included in an upcoming issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!

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Nick StoiaGlenn Richards“Glenn delivered an exceptional candidate in his area of specialty to [me] for this role.  I especially appreciated his insights into the placement process and specific situations that helped it move along smoothly.  Two heads are better than one!”

Submitted by Nick Stoia, CPC of ASAP Search and Recruiters regarding his split placement with Glenn Richards of Global Talent Resources Corp.

Fee Percentage—22.5%

(Editor’s note: this is the second split placement that Stoia and Richards have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Michael StuckSean Napoles“Wow, this is my third placement with Sean in the last year.  I can’t say enough about Sean’s knack for finding the best candidate for our clients and finding them fast, too.  Thanks again, Sean!”

Submitted by Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc. regarding his split placement with Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.

Fee Percentage—20.0%

(Editor’s note: this is the third split placement that Stuck and Napoles have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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330.455.1433, x125
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