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When it comes to split placements, it’s not just the third time that’s the charm.

So is the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and so on and so on.  Such is the case with Top Echelon Network recruiters Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions and Paul Johnson of Paul Johnson & Associates.

Recruitment NetworkingBateman and Johnson have made four split placements in the Network during the past six weeks, and they’ve made five split placements overall during the past 12 months.  Clearly, they’ve built a Trading Partner relationship that works and works WELL.

The secret to their success?  It can be summed up best by their comments, which are located below: “effective and timely communication” and “an excellent candidate.”

Bateman started recruiting in 2012.  Johnson started recruiting in 1998.  Once again, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the game.  When it comes to split placements, you can make them with anybody at any time at any stage of your career.

All you need is a good Trading Partner who works well with you. Then you, too, can make four splits in six weeks!

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Catherine Bateman of Woods and Paolino Recruiting Solutions

Catherine Bateman

“Working with Paul is a real blessing.  His relationship with his client is solid, and he treats candidates with the utmost professionalism.  By the way, shall I also mention that he has perfected effective and timely communication?”

Submitted by Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions regarding her split placement with Paul Johnson of Paul Johnson & Associates


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the fifth Network split placement that Bateman and Johnson have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Paul Johnson“Thank you, Catherine, for an excellent candidate!”

Submitted by Paul Johnson of Paul Johnson & Associates regarding his split placement with Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the fifth Network split placement that Johnson and Bateman have made together in Top Echelon.)


Yes, we’ve been touting the benefits of a Hiring Hook website and the fact that a growing number of Network recruiters are making split placements through their Hiring Hook sites.

However, nothing beats good ‘ol fashioned recruiter networking!

Despite the growth of website placements in recent years, networking (communication between Trading Partners) is still the number-one way in which placements are made in Top Echelon Network.  It’s been that way for 25 years, and it’s likely to stay that way for a quite a few more.

Below are some highlights regarding this week’s split placements:

Will website placements ever knock networking out of the number-one spot in terms of Network placements?  I’ll guess you’ll have to stick around to find out . . .


Below are the split jobs that were recently filled by Top Echelon Network recruiters.

  • Split PlacementsSoftware Engineer – Progress
  • Senior Data Network Engineer
  • Telecom Engineer
  • Quality Control Lead
  • PHP Programmer
  • Account Manager
  • Lab Tech
  • Director of Procurement

For more information about how YOU can be more successful in Top Echelon Network and make more split placements, call Membership Development Coordinator Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at (330) 455-1433, Ext. 156.


Michael StuckJob recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Colleen Switala of Database Search, Inc.


Fee percentage: 15%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Michael StuckJob recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Brenda Richardson of Stewart Cooper & Coon


Fee percentage: 20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Michael StuckJob recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Harry C. Anderson of Andex Executive Search

Split job title: TELECOM ENGINEER

Fee percentage: 15%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Michael StuckAngela MarascoJob recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Angela Marasco of A. Marasco Recruiting, LLC


Fee percentage: 20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Sean Napoles, CPCRobert Briones, CPCJob recruiter: Robert Briones, CPC of R.A. Briones & Company

Candidate recruiter: Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.

Split job title: PHP PROGRAMMER

Fee percentage: 30%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Network Recruiter Cindy Andrew Cordell, CPCNetwork Recruiter Dan KovatsJob recruiter: Cindy Andrew Cordell, CPC of Corporate Resources, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Dan Kovats of CMW & Associates

Split job title: ACCOUNT MANAGER

Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: “Dan Kovats found my job on TE and called to see if I needed help, as this was an area he worked!”

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Network Recruiter Veronica SnyderCarey Towe, CPCJob recruiter: Veronica Snyder of Career Professionals, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Carey Towe, CPC of Southern Recruiters

Split job title: LAB TECH

Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: The job order or candidate was found by searching Top Echelon’s split databases.

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Network Recruiter Veronica SnyderNetwork Recruiter Frank LauxJob recruiter: Veronica Snyder of Career Professionals, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Frank Laux of Strategic Search Partners


Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: The job order or candidate was found by searching Top Echelon’s split databases.


Veronica Snyder has made 54 placements as one of the Top Echelon Network’s top recruiters.  Her firm, Career Professionals, has been a Preferred Member since 1990.

Recruiter CommentsFrank Laux has made 1 placement as a Top Echelon Network recruiter.  His agency, Strategic Search Partners, has been a Preferred Member of the recruiter network since April of this year.

Carey Towe has made 21 placements as a Top Echelon Network recruiter.  His agency, Southern Recruiters, has been a Preferred Member since 2001.


Last week, we commended David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc. for being a model Network recruiter in Top Echelon . . . and now we’re commending Veronica Snyder of Career Professionals, Inc.!

That’s because like Sgro, Snyder does all of the things that a recruiter needs to do to be successful in the Network.  Those things include the following:

  1. Posting jobs to the Network on a consistent basis
  2. Embracing the Network Pillar of Quality, especially as it pertains to another Pillar, that of Communication
  3. Attending Network events like the National Convention and Fall Conference

Snyder has made 54 Network placements since becoming a Preferred Member recruiter, including five in 2012 and eight already this year.  With three months still remaining in 2013, she certainly has the chance to hit double digits in placements before the year draws to a close.

Not only that, but one of the split placements highlighted below is the first Top Echelon placement for a Network recruiter.  So congratulations to both Snyder and Frank Laux, who’s celebrating his first TE split!

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Network Recruiter Veronica SnyderNetwork Recruiter Frank Laux“Thanks, Frank, for responding to our TE job posting with such a strong candidate!  Welcome to Top Echelon Network!  I’m looking forward to doing more split business with you.”

Submitted by Veronica Snyder of Career Professionals, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Frank Laux of Strategic Search Partners


Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Snyder and Laux have made together in Top Echelon.)

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“Thanks, Carey!  I appreciate you posting good candidates to the Network!”

Network Recruiter Veronica SnyderCarey Towe, CPCSubmitted by Veronica Snyder of Career Professionals, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Carey Towe, CPC of Southern Recruiters

Position Title—LAB TECH

Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Snyder and Towe have made together in Top Echelon.)


It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a Preferred Member of Top Echelon Network, you can always make split placements with a new Trading Partner.

We’ve been touting that for quite some time now, but we decided to find out how often it happens.  After all, it’s always good to back up your claims with actual data.

So, you guessed it, we decided to conduct a survey of the Network Membership.  We did that by posting a question in the Members’ Area (as we are wont to do).

That question was as follows:

Have you made a split placement with a new Trading Partner within the past 12 months?


The choice of answers that were provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters who selected each answer:

  • Yes, one new Trading Partner — 19.5%
  • Yes, two new Trading Partners — 20.8%
  • Yes, three new Trading Partners — 7.8%
  • Yes, more than three new Trading Partners — 15.6%
  • No — 36.4%


Recruitment SurveyMore than half of the recruiters participating in the survey have made a split placement with a new Trading Partner within the past six months.  In fact, 63.6% of them have done so, and some have made splits with more than one new Partner.

Of course, that means 36.4% of recruiters have NOT made a split with a new Trading Partner.  However, that doesn’t mean they didn’t make splits with existing Trading Partners.  In fact, it’s very likely that was the case, which is fine, because the money they earned spends just the same.


Have you made a split placement with a new Trading Partner within the past 12 months?  More than one?  What do you believe is the most important aspect of forming a Trading Partner relationship?