Really? 4 Split Placements in 6 Weeks? Absolutely!

When it comes to split placements, it’s not just the third time that’s the charm.

So is the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and so on and so on.  Such is the case with Top Echelon Network recruiters Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions and Paul Johnson of Paul Johnson & Associates.

Recruitment NetworkingBateman and Johnson have made four split placements in the Network during the past six weeks, and they’ve made five split placements overall during the past 12 months.  Clearly, they’ve built a Trading Partner relationship that works and works WELL.

The secret to their success?  It can be summed up best by their comments, which are located below: “effective and timely communication” and “an excellent candidate.”

Bateman started recruiting in 2012.  Johnson started recruiting in 1998.  Once again, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the game.  When it comes to split placements, you can make them with anybody at any time at any stage of your career.

All you need is a good Trading Partner who works well with you. Then you, too, can make four splits in six weeks!

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Catherine Bateman of Woods and Paolino Recruiting Solutions

Catherine Bateman

“Working with Paul is a real blessing.  His relationship with his client is solid, and he treats candidates with the utmost professionalism.  By the way, shall I also mention that he has perfected effective and timely communication?”

Submitted by Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions regarding her split placement with Paul Johnson of Paul Johnson & Associates


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the fifth Network split placement that Bateman and Johnson have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Paul Johnson“Thank you, Catherine, for an excellent candidate!”

Submitted by Paul Johnson of Paul Johnson & Associates regarding his split placement with Catherine Bateman of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the fifth Network split placement that Johnson and Bateman have made together in Top Echelon.)

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