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Yes, Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group is the Recruiter of the Month . . . again.  However, there’s another Network recruiter at the Cameron Craig Group who’s busy making placements.

That recruiter is Gene McQueen, who has a pair of placements to this credit in this week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

McQueen has been a steady producer in the Network, making four split placements in 2010, five in 2011, two last year, and two already this year.  Although he doesn’t match the production of Cameron, if every single recruiter in Top Echelon’s recruiting network made at least as many split fee recruiting placements as McQueen, we’d throw a party.  Seriously . . . we would . . . with cake and stuff.

So congratulations to McQueen, the Cameron Craig Group, and everybody who made a split placement this week in Top Echelon Network!

Below are the positions that were recently filled by Top Echelon Network recruiters:

  • split placementsPrinciple Scientist
  • Design Team Engineering Manager
  • Solutions Architect
  • Support Supervisor
  • Manufacturing Engineer Manager
  • Warehouse Superintendent

Remember, you can reach Drea at (330) 455-1433, Ext. 156.  Act now!  Call today!


Gene McQueenFred KaplanJob recruiter: Fred Kaplan of Bio-Partners Search Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Gene McQueen of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: The job order or candidate was sent to me via the automated email alerts.

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Gene McQueenSteve KohnJob recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Candidate recruiter: Gene McQueen of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Deb NorthAngela JacobsonJob recruiter: Deb North of Deb North Consulting, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Angela Jacobson of Capstone Sourcing Center, Inc.


Fee percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Connie Mooredescribe the imageJob recruiter: Connie Moore, CPC of CA Moore & Associates, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Cynthia Strzelecki of Spyglass Search, Inc.


Fee percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Joan R. WaltersDenise MancusoJob recruiter: Joan R. Walters, CPC of JR Walters Resources

Candidate recruiter: Denise Mancuso of Client Growth Consultants, Inc.


Fee percentage—25%

Action causinig split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

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Twanda DeBordeJob recruiter: Twanda Deborde of CMD & Associates Executive Search

Candidate recruiter: Robert Gabor of The Gabor Group


Fee percentage—Flat

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network recruiter

In the 25-year history of Top Echelon Network, not many recruiters have enjoyed a three-year stretch like the one that Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group is currently enjoying.

The Recruiter of the Year for 2011 and 2012, Cameron is once again leading the pack in 2013 . . . and of course, he’s snagging Recruiter of the Month awards along the way.  He’s at it again this month, or more specifically, for the month of May.

Best RecruitersLet’s run the numbers again, shall we?

  • 19 Network placements so far this year
  • 160 placements since becoming a Network member
  • Nearly $250,000 “cash-in” in the Network during the past 12 months
  • Nearly $1.2 million “cash-in” during his Network tenure

Cameron has turned his recruiting desk into a Network placement machine, and that machine doesn’t appear to be winding down anytime soon.

At the Top Echelon recruiting network, we recognize recruiters for both monthly and quarterly performance in four categories—Recruiter of the Month, Recruiter of the Quarter, Largest Split Fee of the Month, and Largest Split Fee of the Quarter.

For more information about the recruiting awards listed below, login to the Members’ Area and view the profiles and placement details of the recruiters who won them.

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Trey CameronTrey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

There was no need for a tiebreaker this month.  Cameron made four split placements during the month of May, one more than two other Network recruiters.

The two recruiters who made three split placements in May were Deb North of Deb North Consultants, LLC and Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc.  Among the recruiters who made two split placements were Gene McQueen of the Cameron Craig Group and Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search.

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Michael PetrasDavid BrandauMichael Petras of Lodestar Executive Search, LLC and David Brandau of Midwest Executive Search

The position for this placement was a Director of Dealer Development.  Petras was the job order recruiter, and Brandau was the candidate recruiter.  The action that stimulated this split placement was Membership Development Coordinator Drea Codispoti, CPC/CTS.  Petras stated that, “Drea told me to call David for help.”

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Our criteria for these recruiting awards:

The Top Echelon recruiting network determines the monthly and quarterly award winners based upon two things, which are listed below in order of importance:

1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of cash-in dollars earned as a result of those split placements

This explains why, when multiple recruiters are tied with the same number of split placements during a given month or quarter, the recruiter with the largest “cash-in” total for their placements is deemed the winner.

In this week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we have irrefutable proof that you can enjoy tremendous success with a Top Echelon Network Trading Partner in a short amount of time.

Split RecruitingWe’ve highlighted the recruiters in this blog post before.  Those recruiters are Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc. and Mario Linale of Atlas Consulting Group, LLC.

They made three straight split placements earlier this year.  While one of those placements fell off, they responded by making two more!  (And that’s why we’re featuring them once again.)

That means they’ve made four split placements in less than five months.  Wouldn’t you like to enjoy that kind of production with ALL of your Trading Partners?

And Stuck and Linale are by no means finished.  There are still almost seven months remaining in 2013.  There’s a chance they could make 10 split placements total this year.

If you’d like to benefit from this type of Trading Partner relationship, call Top Echelon Network Membership Development Coordinator Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at (330) 455-1433, Ext. 156.

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Michael StuckMario Linale“Mario and I hit another one together.  This is our third completed placement.  We have one more pending and one fell off, so that’s five all together since Mario contacted me only a few months ago to work together.  He is definitely a great Trading Partner.  Thanks for all your help, Mario.  Let’s keep this going!”

Submitted by Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc. regarding his split placement with Mario Linale of Atlas Consulting Group, LLC

Position Title—SQA ENGINEER
Fee Percentage—15%

(Editor’s note: This is the THIRD split placement that Stuck and Linale have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Michael StuckMario Linale“This is the fourth official split Mario and I have made together in the last four months, and it would have been number five if it weren’t for a fall-off.  I can’t say enough about what a great Trading Partner Mario is.  He is spectacular to work with.  Thanks again, Mario, for such outstanding candidates.”

Submitted by Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group, Inc. regarding his split placement with Mario Linale of Atlas Consulting Group, LLC

Position Title—Software Engineer – Progress
Fee Percentage—15%

(Editor’s note: This is the FOURTH split placement that Stuck and Linale have made together in Top Echelon Network.)