A Three-Step Case Study About How to Make More Split Placements
Almost every week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we highlight recent split placements that Preferred Member recruiters in Top Echelon’s recruiter network have made together. These split placements are the result of many things—mainly collaboration between Trading Partners—but the split placement highlighted in this blog post owes its genesis to something else, as well: attendance at a Top Echelon conference.
Why do I bring this up? Well, because the 2011 Top Echelon Network Fall Conference is rapidly approaching, and we want you to do three things:
- Attend the Fall Conference.
- Meet other recruiters and build Trading Partner relationships.
- Make split placements with these other recruiters.
Now in 2010, Top Echelon Network did NOT hold a National Convention and a Fall Conference. Instead, there were six mini-conferences held throughout the country. The last of these events was in Columbus, Ohio, in November. It was at this conference that Rose Langhals of Bridgeway Professionals, Inc. and Lloyd Shoemaker of Miami Professional Search, LLC met one another.
Shortly following the conference, Shoemaker received a job order from a client with which he hadn’t worked for a while. The job order was for an Engineer, and it wasn’t long after Shoemaker submitted the order to the Network that Langhals found it in the Split Job Order Database.
“I connected with Rose at the Ohio [regional conference] in November, and she contacted me when she saw the opening,” said Shoemaker.
Eventually, Shoemaker and Langhals placed the candidate, and recently, they split the fee associated with the placement. Of course, if they hadn’t met at the Columbus regional conference last year, they never would have made the split placement together.
And that’s the crucial aspect of this blog post—this was a placement they never would have made. However, but for attending the conference, Langhal’s candidate was placed at Shoemaker’s company and the two shared a placement fee as a result.
This is why we’re whole-heartedly encouraging you to attend the Fall Conference at the Embassy Suites in Chicago on Thursday, October 20, and Friday, October 21. Because Chicago is located roughly in the center of the country, our Fall Conference has always been a very popular and well-attended event, presenting an opportunity for Preferred Members to network with one another and share hot job orders and candidates.
Yes, we’re in the grip of a summer heat wave right now . . . but eventually, the air will cool and the leaves will fall. Make plans to join us for the conference and position yourself and your firm for success during the rest of 2011 and into 2012.
We’ll be publishing the preliminary agenda for the Fall Conference in the near future, as well as offering Early Bird Registration for the event in the Members’ Area. Be sure to check future issues of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog and the news section of the Members’ Area for more information regarding the conference and how you can register.
We look forward to seeing you there! (And of course, to seeing you make more split placements!)
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330.455.1433, Ext. 125
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