Winter is NEVER Going to End: Everybody Head to Florida!
Let’s just face the hard facts: winter is NEVER going to end! It’s just going to keep snowing and snowing and snowing . . .
That’s why you must go to the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention in Florida next month! So you can enjoy the warm weather and sandy beaches. So you can wear shorts and flip-flops. So you can stop worrying about slipping on the sidewalk and breaking something you might need.
And yes, there could be a pile of money waiting for you in Florida.
But more importantly, winter is NEVER going to end! (Did we mention that already?)
Did we also mention:
That industry legend Danny Cahill is the main speaker for the convention?
- That Bob Marshall and Amy Bingham are also going to present sessions?
- That this is our 25th anniversary convention?
- That the cost of registration is just $560 per person?
- That the Gala Event is going to “blow the roof” off the convention (NOT literally . . . we hope)?
- That we will probably enter into a period of deep introspection and self-analysis if you don’t attend?
Well, if we didn’t, we’re mentioning all of that right now. We’re also mentioning the fact that we recently posted photos from the last time we were at the TradeWinds Resort in St. Petersburg. That was the 2000 National Convention, and there are quite a few current Network recruiters who also attended that event.
This year’s National Convention is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, through Saturday, April 27. It will probably still be snowing wherever you are on those dates . . . or it will be 30 degrees . . . or both.
You owe yourself a break. You owe yourself a trip to sunny and warm Florida. You owe it to yourself to make more money. You owe it yourself to attend the convention!
So register for the 2013 National Convention!
And snowing and snowing and snowing . . .