I Invite and Encourage You to Opt-In to the MEGA Database!
You may have already seen the blog post in The Pinnacle about last week’s poll in the Members’ Area, which revealed that the majority of recruiters intend to use the new MEGA Database to some degree.
You may have also already seen the recent blog post by Todd Bossler regarding the fact that you can now watch all three webinar videos about the new MEGA (overview, candidate recruiter side, and job order recruiter side).
Before I get too far, remember that the MEGA Database allows Top Echelon Network recruiters who use the Big Biller software to share information more quickly and easily. However, if you’re a Network recruiter and you don’t use Big Biller, you can STILL use the MEGA. The only caveat is that while you can perform searches in the MEGA, your information will not be included in MEGA searches conducted by other Network recruiters.
That being said, not every Network recruiter has opted-in to the MEGA Database yet, so I’d like to both invite and encourage you to do so.
To borrow from the Top Echelon Help Center, by opting-in to the MEGA Database, you’ll have the opportunity to have every default resume in your Big Biller database searched by other Network recruiters in a blinded fashion.
The recruiter conducting the keyword search will NOT be able to view your resumes, but ONLY your name and the number of your resumes that match their keyword search criteria. Once that recruiter knows how many resumes you have that match their search criteria, they can request your help.
As I mentioned earlier, only Network agencies that are using the Big Biller software can have their resumes indexed within the MEGA Database.
Click here to find out how to opt-in to the MEGA Database!
Once you’ve opted-in, your resumes will be indexed and begin showing up in MEGA searches conducted by other Top Echelon Network recruiters within 24 business hours.
If you have any questions or if you need any help, please give us a call at 330.455.1433. We’re here to help you, and we want you to be as successful as possible in our Network.