How Often Do YOU Plan to Use the New MEGA Database?
We recently conducted a poll of Top Echelon Network recruiters by posting a question in the Members’ Area.
That question was as follows:
How often do you plan to use the new MEGA Database?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:
- As much as I can! — 28.4%
- A little at first, to test it out. — 46.9%
- I need more training before I start. — 6.2%
- Not at all. — 16.0%
- There’s a new MEGA Database? — 2.5%
Since we first introduced the new MEGA Database last month, Top Echelon Network recruiters have been abuzz about the potential and the possibilities that the information sharing system offers them.
But how many of them plan to actually use it? According to the results of this poll, quite a few of them plan to use it to varying degrees.
In fact, nearly a third of poll participants (28.4%) indicated that they plan to use it “As much as I can!” In addition, nearly half of recruiters (46.9%) plan to use the MEGA “A little at first, to test it out.”
Another 6.2% of those who responded chose “I need more training before I start” as their answer, and 16% flat-out indicated that they’re not going to use the new MEGA Database at all.
Should we address the 2.5% that asked, “There’s a new MEGA Database?” Um . . .
Okay, so the conclusion is that the vast majority of Top Echelon Network recruiters plan to use the new MEGA to some degree. However, we understand that some trial and error will be involved and that training is essential.
That’s why I’m providing links to our three webinar videos about the new MEGA Database. All three are conducted by IT Manager Todd Bossler—so just like Smuckers, they have to be good.
You can either login to the Members’ Area to access these MEGA Database webinar videos, OR you can simply click on the links below. (You’re already logged in . . . right?)
‘The New MEGA: More Candidates + Less Time = More Placements!’
‘The Job Order Side of the MEGA Database’
‘The Candidate Side of the MEGA Database’
If you have any additional questions about the new MEGA Database, how to opt-in, or how to use it, call 330.455.1433 or send an email to support@topechelon.com.
And to find out how YOU can make more placements in Top Echelon Network, contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CERS at 330.455.1433, x156.