TE Presents ‘The Recruiting Report’ Podcast
Previously, we announced that The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog is now available in podcast format. However, that podcast is one of two podcasts that Top Echelon is currently producing.
The second podcast is titled “The Recruiting Report,” and it has to do with all things recruiting. (In actuality, The Pinnacle podcast operates under the banner of “The Recruiting Report” on the Anchor podcast platform.) Below is the official description for both:
Welcome recruiters! This is your one-stop podcast for all the latest and greatest in the world of recruitment, placements, and more. With weekly episodes, we’re excited to bring you the info you need!
Episodes: Matt Deutsch and Austin Wilhelm talk about the latest trends in recruiting and what it takes to make a great placement in the modern world. We’ll discuss everything from best practices to good workflow.
The Pinnacle: This is Top Echelon’s weekly newsletter for agency recruiters. This segment will have information on future events, meetups, and more!
To this point, Top Echelon has produced two episodes of “The Recruiting Report.” Below are descriptions of those episodes, plus a link to each one.
Episode 1: In this episode of “The Recruiting Report,” Matt Deutsch and Austin Wilhelm take a deep dive into the 2021 Top Echelon State of the Recruiting Industry Report to see what 2020 had to teach us about the recruiting industry and the members of the profession.
Episode 2: In this episode of “The Recruiting Report,” Matt Deutsch and Austin Wilhelm discuss more feedback from the 2021 Top Echelon State of the Recruiting Industry Report, specifically a wide array of recruiter, employer, and candidate complaints from 2020. Ranging from recruiting problems to COVID-19’s scary impact, they discuss it in detail throughout the episode.
“The Recruiting Report” is recorded and released on a weekly basis. In addition to market analysis and discussion regarding trends and emerging developments in the recruiting industry and profession, we will also be interviewing top trainers and other thought leaders. In fact, we will be interviewing Greg Doersching next month!
So we invite you to check out “The Recruiting Report” podcast, not just for the The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, but also for our “Recruiting Report” segments.
If you have any suggestions for content or topics of discussion, please send them to marketing@topechelon.com.
And remember . . . always be recruiting!