We’ve presented proof that Top Echelon Network Core Groups result in split placements for years and years and years.
And we have even more proof in this week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. Why is that? Because the placements in the network of job placement recruiters are still happening! In fact, you can’t stop them from happening (not that we’d actually want to do that . . . that’s crazy talk).
The Core Groups in question are Regional Core Groups—specifically, the Ohio Golf Outing Core Group and the Central Ohio Regional Core Group. These groups have met regularly in the past and will be meeting regularly in the future.
As for the present? They’re making placements as part of the split fee recruiting network! (I thought we established that.)
If you would like to participate in one of these Core Groups, contact Top Echelon Network Membership Development Coordinator Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at (330) 455-1433, Ext. 156. If you’d like to create your own Core Group or find out more about them, contact Drea for that, too.
If you’d like to compliment one of your Trading Partners for a recent split placement, you can contact ME by sending your comments to Marketing@TopEchelon.com. Those comments will appear in a future issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog!
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“Thank you, Lee, for quickly jumping on this one when I emailed you for assistance. As is often the case with candidates, a little extra TLC was involved, but it was well worth it! I’m looking forward to our next one! The Ohio Golf Group strikes again!”
Submitted by Debra L. Stitt, CPC of Quality Source Inc. of Ohio regarding her split placement with Lee Fierman of Gables Search Group, Inc.
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the second split placement that Stitt and Fierman have made together in Top Echelon Network.)
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“Joe searched Monster.com after attending the Central Ohio Core Group meeting. Thanks, Joe, for taking the initiative and searching and sending me this candidate.”
Submitted by Alan Daum of Alan N. Daum & Associates, Inc. regarding his split placement with Joe Cotter of J.D. Cotter Search, Inc.
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the first split placement that Daum and Cotter have made together in Top Echelon Network.)