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Top-Producing Recruiters

It’s August!  Which means that the “dog days” of summer are here . . . whatever that actually means.  Anyway, it also means that we have our award winners for the month of July in Top Echelon Network, and we have a brand-new “Recruiter of the Month” recipient.  In fact, this recruiter just recently ascended to the top spot in the Network.  That’s right—not only is Russ Schutt, CSP of Progressive Executive, Inc. the “Recruiter of the Month,” he’s also currently the #1-ranked recruiter in the entire Network.

As always, we recognize recruiters for achievement in two categories every month and quarter.  Those categories are “Recruiter of the Month” (as we’ve already mentioned) and “Highest Split Placement Fee of the Month.”  Below are the winners of these awards for July.  We’d like to congratulate the recruiters who earned them and thank them for their efforts.  Remember, for more information about the placements and cash-in totals associated with these awards, please login to the Members’ Area and view the profiles and placement details of the recruiters involved.

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Russell SchuttRecruiter of the Month
Russ Schutt, CSP of Progressive Executive, Inc.

Russ made three placements in the Network during the month of July to claim top honors.

Behind him in second and third place, respectively, with two placements apiece were Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC of Health Career Professional, LLC and Eric V. Stearley, CPC of Eric V. Stearley & Associates.

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Amy Recker, CPCFrank GreggHighest Split Placement Fee of the Month
Amy Recker of Bridgeway Professionals, Inc. and Frank Gregg of Gregg & Associates

This large fee was earned by placing a Vice President of Operations.  The action causing this placement was listed as “The job order or candidate was found by searching the Members’ Area.”

(Editor’s Note: Click here to read The Pinnacle Blog post that details the story behind this particular placement.)

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Our criteria for these awards:

Top Echelon’s recruiting network is a split fee recruiting network.  As such, we place an emphasis on split placements, and that emphasis constitutes the basis of our criteria for these awards.  We determine the monthly and quarterly award winners based upon two factors, which are listed below in order of importance:

1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of cash-in dollars earned as a result of those split placements

In other words, the number of split placements that recruiters make is our first consideration.  In the event of a tie, the cash-in total earned from those split placements is the deciding factor and serves to break the tie.  Obviously, the recruiter with more cash-in dollars in the event of a tie is the recruiter who wins the award.

At Top Echelon, we like to celebrate milestones . . . which is just one reason we’re excited about the upcoming National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS) Conference.  This year’s conference is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, through Saturday, September 24 at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas.

NAPS is currently celebrating its 50th year of existence, and as usual for these recruiting conferences, the conference will feature an outstanding lineup of speakers.  That lineup includes the following:

2011 NAPS Conference
Heidi Frye
Mike Gionta
Jeff Kaye 
Ken Keis
Conni LaDouceur
Jennifer Lambert
Neil Lebovits
Scott Love
Rick McDonald
Rob Mosley
Pasquale Scopelliti
Mike Tischer
Amy Williams Healey
Scott Wintrip
Patricia Drain
Jeremy Sisemore

Hiring Hook, websites for recruiters, is proud to be a major sponsor of the 2011 NAPS Conference.  Hiring Hook works with recruiting firms to help them create a strong presence on the Internet through website design, graphics, content, special plug-ins, job advertising, and social media integration.

NAPS has been the staffing industry educator since 1961 and enjoys its reputation as the oldest industry association.  It continues to maintain the position as the search and staffing industry educator through its certification program, continuing education initiatives, eLearning, and annual conference.

Hiring Hook will be at the 2011 NAPS Conference—and we hope you will be, too!

'Comments' and ComplimentsWhen recruiters work toward the common goal of making a split placement together, everybody looks good—no matter what color they’re wearing.  However, in this installment of “Comments and Compliments,” we find out that some recruiters look better in certain colors than others.  The one color for which everybody seems to have an affinity, though, is green, as in the money generated from making a split placement.

There’s no better way to build a Trading Partner relationship with another recruiter than to make a placement with them, and the recruiters highlighted this week are no exception.  If you’ve made a split placement with a Trading Partner and would like to compliment them for their efforts, send your comments to

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Ken Lowry“Thank you, Ken.  This was a great candidate . . . I could place three more just like him!  Joanna [Spaun] and I appreciate your help and taking time to review MJ Recruiter’s openings!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with Ken Lowry of Lowry Personnel Services

Position Title—Process Engineer
Fee Percentage—20%

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Larry Radzely“Larry is the greatest person to work with.  The minute I receive candidates from him, I’m on the phone to contact them.  Plus, did you know that he looks great in yellow?”

Submitted by Georgette Sandifer of Gallman Consulting regarding her split placement with Larry Radzely of Adel-Lawrence Associates, Inc.

Position Title—Field Service Engineer
Fee Percentage—20%

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Remember, if you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to