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Recruiting firm MJ Recruiters, LLC is on a tear in Top Echelon Network!

The Network member firm is on both a placement tear and a “split placement selfie” tear. That’s because the firm had three offers accepted in one week with three different trading partners.

Those offers happened last week. The first occurred on Tuesday, the second on Wednesday, and the third on Friday. And yes, we usually wait until an offer officially becomes a placement before publicizing it in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, but we’re talking about three offers in one week here!

Offers extended, offers accepted

Then, of course, there’s the “selfie” side of things.

Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters help to start the “split placement selfie” craze with David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants. That encouraged other Network recruiters to jump into the fray, including the one pictured above: Sean Napoles, looking dapper in his officially licensed and classically “retro” Top Echelon apparel. (Thanks for representing, Sean!)

MJ Recruiters submitted a “selfie” for its placement with Carol Martin. Their “selfie” with Sean is above. What about the “selfie” with Trey Cameron?

That “selfie” is yet to come, so keep an eye out for it. However, if you’d like to submit your own “split placement” selfie with a trading partner, then send your photo and information to

If you’d like to have more offers accepted and completed placements in Top Echelon Network, then I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at

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Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC

Maria Hemminger

Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.

Sean Napoles, CPC

“Sean came to my rescue! I love that we know NOTHING about IT, but my TE partners come through . . . every time!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.


Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Hemminger and Napoles have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Carol Martin, CPC of Martin Management, Inc.

Carol Martin, CPC

“Carol Martin knows exactly what we are looking for–fresh grad engineers in the Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana areas. She does an excellent job of sending us well-qualified candidates. This is our second placement with her in the last year. Work with Carol!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Carol Martin, CPC of Martin Management, Inc.


Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the second Network split placement that Hemminger and Martin have made together in Top Echelon.)

Top Echelon is a proponent of many things. Two of those things include the following:

  1. Recruiter networking
  2. Continuous training and education

Our support of these things is why we support organizations such as the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS), as well as various state and regional associations. We also sponsor and promote the events of these and other organizations.

In some cases, we attend the events, as well. That’s the case with the event that we’re promoting in this particular blog post—the North Carolina Association of Staffing Professionals (NCASP) Conference.

NCASP Conference: dates and speaker

This year’s event is scheduled for Thursday, May 12 through Saturday, May 14 and will be held in Wrightsville Beach, N.C. In addition, trainer Scott Wintrip of the Wintrip Consulting Group will be the keynote speaker.

Scott is a veteran of the recruiting industry and has presented at Top Echelon conferences and conventions in the past. His content is always top-notch and his sessions are always jam-packed.

Below are just some of the breakout topics that will be covered at the convention:

  • How the industry has evolved over time and become a strategic business solution for clients
  • Why employment law is critical to your success
  • The best way to work with multiple clients
  • The three skills that guarantee success

Top Echelon Network has numerous firms located in North Carolina, South Carolina, and the surrounding states. Although I’m sure that some of these agencies have already made plans to attend the NCASP Conference, I’d like to encourage those that haven’t to do so.

Not only will I be on hand at the conference, but so will Top Echelon Contracting President Debbie Fledderjohann. We’d like to meet you in person and discuss how Top Echelon can help further help you to make more placements and grow your business.

The cost of attending the conference is $299 for members of NCASP and $499 for non-members. If you’re only planning to attend on Friday, the cost is just $199.

Click here for more information.

Click here to register for the conference.

The NCASP Conference is one of many conferences that Top Echelon will be sponsoring, supporting, and attending during 2016. And don’t forget about the Top Echelon National Convention coming up in April.

Regular Registration for the National Convention is underway. We hope to see you both in North Carolina and in Las Vegas. Let’s make 2016 a great year for recruiters—for networking, for training, and for making more placements!

There are many recruiters in Top Echelon who are enjoying split success using the Network’s tools and services. In this feature, we highlight those recruiters, their accomplishments, and their outlook. If you’d like to nominate somebody who’s experienced Network success, send an email to

Top Echelon Network recruiter:

Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Chuck Cole of Cole Professional Search

Chuck Cole


Chuck, who specializes in Information Technology, joined Top Echelon Network in January in 2015. In a little over a year, he has made four split placements in the Network. All four of the fees associated with those placements were over $20,000.

What do you believe have been the keys to your success in Top Echelon Network?

“It has expanded my reach to candidates that I would not normally access. I contacted a local client with openings in Healthcare administration, and that is not my specialty. I felt that recruiters in Top Echelon Network would be able to help me access candidates in niches that I don’t normally work. TE partners have helped me reach candidates that I would not normally have reached before joining Top Echelon.”

What value do you believe the Network provides for your firm?

“It opens up new opportunities in business.”

Who are the trading partners with whom you’ve been working?

“Sean Napoles, Trey Cameron, and Catherine Reynolds. I’ve also worked with Steve Kohn, Mario Fidanzi, Jim Strickland, Melinda O’Neil, and Terry Rhodes. I am working on [placement] possibilities with Ernie Young and Rich Grunenwald, as well as trying to keep a candidate resurrected for Phillip Bartfield.”

Why do the relationships you have with your trading partners work so well?

“I’m not absolutely certain. I assume it is because TE members see the value in split placement activity. As a one-man show, I am not able to do everything. It’s quite helpful to work with other recruiters who can fill in the gaps that I’m leaving open.”

What advice would you give to a new Top Echelon Network recruiter just starting out?

“Pick up the phone and call an affiliate when you believe there may be synergy with that recruiter.”

What are your goals for future production in the Network?

“My hope is to reach 100K in split Top Echelon billings.”

What’s the biggest obstacle on your desk right now, either with candidates or with clients?

“Getting clients to move and be decisive.”

What’s one new recruiting strategy or technique that you’ve implemented in the past year that you wouldn’t mind sharing with other recruiters?

“I continue reading business-oriented and business development books. I find that my success begins with a positive outlook.”

A couple of days ago, we announced Top Echelon’s Frequent Contract Placement (FCP) award winners for 2015. Then Top Echelon President Mark Demaree explained TE’s Frequent Placer Program (FPP) in detail.

Next, we’re going to . . . announce the FPP award winners for 2015!

You already guessed that, huh? We’re that predictable and transparent? Well, there’s something to be said for consistency.

Frequent Placer Program award winners: #20 to #1

As you know by reading Mark’s blog post, FPP points are awarded not just for making placements, but for other activities, as well. As a result, the list of the top 20 recruiters in the Network in terms of cash-in is different than the list of the top 20 recruiters in the Network in terms of FPP points.

Sure, there are some similarities, and you’ll see some of the same recruiters names on both lists. However, the order of those names are subject to change.

Once again, we’re going to count down the list, starting with #20. Below are Top Echelon’s Frequent Placer Program award winners for 2015:

#20—Debbie Reiger of Reiger Technical Search

#19—Nick Stoia of ASAP Search & Recruiters

#18—Chris Ramsay, CPC of Corporate Resources, LLC

#17—Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel

#16—David Wood, CPC of The David Wood Company

#15—Robert Alexander of Systems Technology International, Inc.

#14—Pamela Ratz DeVille, CPC of the MMS Group

#13—Kerry Boehner of KOB Solutions, Inc.

#12—Lois Rupkey of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

#11—Mary Anne Buckley, CPC of Interstate Recruiters Corp. 

#10—Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC

#9—Steve Copeland of fulltimeGiGS

#8—John Peterson of Sun Recruiting, Inc.

#7—David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants

#6—Bill Kubena of Kubena & Associates

#5—Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC

#4—Pam Copeland of fulltimeGiGS

#3—Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.

#2—Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

#1—Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Don’t forget: we reward recruiters for participating in the Frequent Placer Program with cold, hard cash!

Okay, that’s not exactly true. We issue a rewards check, and then the recruiter who receives it has to deposit it or cash it at their bank. But you get the idea. Quit asking me to explain myself.

If you’re a member of Top Echelon Network (and if you’re reading this blog post, there’s a good chance that you are) and you’re not participating in the FPP, then you’re leaving “money on the table”!

What’s that? No, not literally. It’s just a figure of speech. Like I said, we issue you a check . . .

Quit asking me to explain myself!

So what is Top Echelon’s Frequent Contract Placement (FCP?) Program?

Through the FCP Program, recruiters can earn up to 3% more in contract placement income simply by making contract placements. Recruiters who utilize Top Echelon Contracting’s back-office services are automatically enrolled in the program, and there is NO cost for participating.

Click here for more information about the program, including the different categories and recruiter income levels.

FCP award winners: #8 to #1

In this issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we’re publishing the FCP Program award winners for 2015. The recruiting firms listed below are either a Top Echelon Network member, a Big Biller software user, or both.

Remember, you don’t have to be a Network member or a Big Biller user to take advantage of the back-office services of Top Echelon Contracting. All that’s required is a desire to make contract staffing a part of your firm’s business model.

Once again, we’re going to count down the list, starting with #8. Below are Top Echelon’s FCP Program award winners for 2015:

#8—Innovative People Solutions, Inc.

#7—Legato Search, Inc.

#6—Prof’l Recruiting Consultants

#5—CNC Jobs, Inc.

#4—Stephens International Recruiting, Inc.

#3—Atlantic Pacific Group, Inc.


#1—Galileo Search, LLC

Not only did the recruiting firms listed above generate steady revenue throughout all of 2015 by making contract placements, but they also earned bonus money in the form of a FCP Program check at the end of the year. That makes contract staffing a win-win, especially if you use Top Echelon Contracting’s back-office services.

Top Echelon Contracting handles the legal, financial, and administrative details of contract placements so that recruiters can focus on what they do best—recruiting! TEC specializes in technical, professional, and healthcare placements.

Direct-hire placements are all fine and good, but contract staffing offers many advantages to recruiters. These advantages include additional revenue generation, business growth, and ultimately a profitable exit from the profession upon retirement.

Get started today!