Registration is Live for Top Echelon Connect 2023
Registration for Top Echelon Connect 2023 is now officially live!
Yes, we’ve released registration for this event earlier than we’ve released it for the National Convention in the past. And why might that be?
First, the new name of our in-person recruiter networking events is Top Echelon Connect. And second, we’ve released registration this early because we’re very excited about the event and we want to allow as much time as possible for Top Echelon Network members to plan for it.
With all of this in mind, below is some important logistical information regarding Connect 2023:
- Dates: Thursday, March 9, and Friday, March 10
- Location: Harrah’s New Orleans in New Orleans, Louisiana
- Room Rate: $195 per night
- Main speakers: Rob Mosley, Stacy Napoles, Greg Doersching, and Todd Bossler
This is a star-studded lineup of speakers, one of the most impressive lineups that we’ve had for one of our events. In the past, we’ve had one or maybe two speakers for our events, but for Top Echelon Connect 2023, we have three.
(And of course, our very own Todd Bossler will add his unique blend of technical expertise and humor to the mix. Todd is consistently one of the top-rated speakers at the National Association of Personnel Services Conference every year.)
In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be revealing more information about Connect 2023 in the pages of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.
In the meantime, if you register now, you’ll pay only $495 per person. As you might expect, the price will rise for the Regular Registration and Late Registration periods.
(Note: Just so you know, the Early Bird Registration period runs from now until February 11. After that date, Regular Registration will begin.)
As we’ve done for our past several events, we have a special website dedicated to Top Echelon Connect 2023. The URL for that website is conventions.topechelon.com. Or you can click the link below to get started:
Click HERE to register for Top Echelon Connect 2023!
We want to help make 2023 a great year for you and your agency. So register now and join us in New Orleans!
If you have any questions about registration (or about any other aspects of this event), please contact me by calling 330.595.1742 or via email at drea@topechelon.com. Or you can contact Network Success Specialist River Kale via email at rkale@topechelon.com.