Recruiters Made 9 Placements at the National Convention

Matt DeutschThere are many recruiters who don’t want to take time out of the office to attend events like the 2012 Top Echelon Network National Convention. They believe that time out of the office will hamper them in their efforts to make placements.

Judging by what happened with the Preferred Member recruiters who attended the convention recently, that argument doesn’t hold much water.

That’s because a total of nine recruiters made placements while they were attending the convention in Nashville, Tenn.  These are recruiters with offices all around the country, working in different industries and with different business models.

Regardless of those differences, nine of them shared at least one thing in common: closing deals without physically being in the office.

The advent of technology is a major contributor, of course.  These days, all a recruiter needs is a Smartphone and access to the Internet to stay connected to their office:

  • They can make phone calls to candidates.
  • They can make phone calls to clients.
  • They can make phone calls to other people in their office.
  • If they use an online recruiting software program like Big Biller, they can access their database for important information.

In fact, in regards to that last point, Joanna Spaun of MJ Recruiters, LLC logged in to her Big Biller account to retrieve the phone number of a candidate.  Her retrieval of that information allowed her to call the candidate and close the deal.

Click here to see a photo of Spaun after she made her placement.

Nobody likes to spend time out of the office, especially when your pipeline is stuffed full of time-sensitive job orders.  After all, “time kills all deals.”

Attending events like the National Convention isn’t necessarily a deal-killer, though.  Recruiters can—and do—step out of training sessions to make calls and take calls . . . and sometimes, they have a smile on their face when they return.

And that’s because they just made a placement.

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