New Member Makes $40K Split with the TE Alerts

Who says a newer member can’t make a big placement fee in Top Echelon’s recruiting network? And who says you can’t make placements, including big placements, with the TE Alerts?

We didn’t say either of those things. In fact, we have proof that neither of those things is true.

That’s because a newer Network member recently made a $40K split by using the TE Alerts!

TE Alerts: they work

The member in question was Greg Fisher, CPC of Odell Medical Search. Fisher joined the Network in February of 2018, just a little over a year ago. Since that time, he’s made four Top Echelon split placements.

One of those splits was with trading partner Brian McMahon of Brian McMahon & Associates. As you can see below, it was the Largest Split Fee of the Month in the Network for March.

However, it seems like Greg and Brian are just getting warmed up. They also have a verbal in the works to the tune of over $43K. That’s a combined total of nearly $85K in split placement fees. Not bad for somebody who’s been a Network member for 14 months.

So congratulations to Greg and Brian for making their first placement together . . . and pre-congratulations for their second!

If you have questions about your Top Echelon Network split recruiting membership, including the TE Alerts, contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to

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Largest Split Fee — March 2019

Greg Fisher, CPC of Odell Medical Search

Greg Fisher, CPC

Brian McMahon of Brian McMahon & Associates

Brian McMahon

Greg Fisher, CPC of Odell Medical Search and Brian McMahon of Brian McMahon & Associates

The position for this split placement was a Cardiothoracic Surgery Physician Assistant. Greg was the job order recruiter and Brian was the candidate recruiter.

The action that stimulated this split placement was listed as “Alerts.”

The fee for this split placement was $41,429.

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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network split fee recruiting awards in four distinct categories:

1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter

We only announce the winners of these awards in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. We do so usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.

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