The Importance of the “But For” Rule in TE
This is a special week in Top Echelon. That’s because, of course, we’re celebrating our 30th anniversary! Since that’s the case, it only makes sense that we talk about probably the most important rule in TE’s history.
That would be the “But For” Rule.
This the rule that makes things happen in Top Echelon’s recruiting network. In other words, they make split placements happen. It speaks directly to the founding philosophy of the network and is a guiding principle regarding activity within Top Echelon to this very day.
One “But For” rule to rule them all!
For the past few years, we at Top Echelon have compiled a rather impressive library of training videos for Network recruiters.
These videos are recorded versions of live training webinars (our Training Tuesday sessions). We’ve designed them to help you enjoy more success. In other words, we’ve designed them to help you make more split placements.
These videos, which we’ve placed in the Top Echelon Help Center, are “evergreen.” What does that mean? It means we’ve filled them with information that is timeless in terms of what it takes to be successful in Top Echelon’s recruiter network.
So please enjoy this week’s featured Network training video!
Network Webinar Video: “The Importance of the ‘But For Rule’ in Top Echelon”
What largely dictates your course of action as a Preferred Member? What is perhaps the most important rule in Top Echelon?
The “But For Rule”!
In our next Network Training Tuesday webinar, Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CERS (will address the following:
- What the “But For Rule” means
- The origin of the “But For Rule”
- When it should be applied
- How it should be applied
- What to do should a dispute arise
Webinar Length: Approximately 20-25 minutes
Watch this FREE Network training video!
If you have any questions about this upcoming Training Tuesday webinar, your Top Echelon Network membership, or about how you can enjoy more success in Top Echelon, I encourage you to contact me.
You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.