Are You Putting “All Your Eggs in One Basket”?
Okay, I get it: there are no eggs pictured in the basket above. There are hamburgers. Well, that happens to work out just fine because I like hamburgers more than I like eggs.
But you get the point. And to bring the point across a little more forcefully, we recently posted a poll question in the Members’ Area. This question dealt directly with the concept of “putting all of your eggs in one basket.”
How so? Let’s find out! The question that we asked is as follows:
Of the job orders you’re currently working, how many clients do they represent?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of split network recruiters that selected each one:
- One (1) — 4.1%
- Two (2) — 12.2%
- Three (3) — 22.4%
- Four (4) — 18.4%
- Five (5) — 9.2%
- Six (6) or more — 33.7%
Don’t become a “basket case”
The good news is that Top Echelon Network recruiters appear to be rather balanced when it comes to their clients and job orders. The evidence: over a third of poll participants (33.7%) chose “Six (6) or more” as their answer.
The next-most popular answers in the poll were “Three” at 22.4% and “Four” at 18.4%. Since we like to add numbers almost as much as Sesame Street, let’s add those percentages. Upon doing so, we come to this conclusion:
Nearly three-fourths of the recruiters participating in this poll (74.5%) have job orders that are represented by at least three clients.
On the flip side, of course, over a quarter of poll participants have job orders representing one or two clients. Once again, though, they represent a smaller percentage.
Putting “all of your eggs in one basket” means working job orders for just one client. Even two clients is a stretch. (At the very least, you’re putting yourself at risk.)
Do YOU need more clients and job orders? Do YOU need more candidates? Looking to maximize your membership and make more placements in Top Echelon’s recruiting network?
Then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.