Early Bird Registration for the Convention Now Available!
This is it! Early Bird Registration for the 2013 Top Echelon Network National Convention is finally here!
As has traditionally been the case, we release Early Bird registration in December so that recruiters can sign up for the convention before the end of the year. That way, they can apply the cost of the event toward the current year’s business expenses.
Something else that’s also been a tradition is that we keep the cost of convention registration as low as possible. Prices may rise everywhere else in the world, but we keep the price of attending Top Echelon Network events pretty much the same.
Case in point: Early Bird Registration for the 2013 National Convention, scheduled for April 25 through April 27, is just $495 per person. Compared to the cost of attending other conferences and conventions within the recruiting industry, that’s a rather reasonable price.
Remember, our goal is NOT to make money off the convention. We consider the convention an investment in the Network. We believe that getting recruiters together will help them grow their business, and part of that growth will include more split placements.
Why do we believe that? Because we’ve seen the proof during these past 25 years. That’s right, we’ll be celebrating our 25th anniversary next year, so that’s yet another reason to attend the convention.
Want another reason? Danny Cahill of AccordingtoDanny.com is the main speaker for the National Convention!
Want another reason? The site of the convention is the TradeWinds Resort in St. Petersburg, Fla., the site of our very first convention way back in 1990. It’s a great venue with a great speaker for what’s going to be a great event. The only thing missing is . . . YOU!
So register for the 2013 National Convention!
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