‘Comments’: Recruiters Enjoying Summer Fun and Split Placements
What’s better than summer? Summer and split placements, that’s what! And there are recruiters in the Network who are ushering in the new season the best way they know how—by making split placements with their Trading Partners.
We have two of these recruiters in this week’s installment of “‘Comments’ and Compliments.” Forget about baseball (and football); split placements should be the national pastime. So if you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to marketing@TopEchelon.com.
(Editor’s Note: For those of you who’ve submitted comments, we appreciate your patience. We have a backlog at the moment. However, feel free to contact us if you’d like to know the status of your “Comments.” And of course, thanks for your contributions!)
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“Richard, thank you for sticking with this. It was a long and difficult search, but you turned up several good candidates. Let’s do another.”
Submitted by Robert Gabor of The Gabor Group regarding his split placement with Richard Lowe of J.D. Cotter Search, Inc.
Position Title—Manufacturing Engineer & Quality Manager
Fee Percentage—25%
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“Hani was a great Trading Partner! He provided an on-target (non-boards) candidate for a VERY difficult-to-fill position. He offered his assistance throughout the hiring/interview process. I definitely want to do more splits with him.”
Submitted by Suzanne Griffith, CPC of J S Griffith & Associates regarding her split placement with Hani Mussa of KnowPeople, Inc.
Position Title—Test Controls Engineer
Fee Percentage—25%
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Remember, if you have comments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email those comments to marketing@TopEchelon.com.