What Do YOU Need Most on Your Recruiting Desk?
The title of this blog post presents a fair question. What DO you need most on your recruiting desk right now?
Well, you might think that every single recruiter would identify “more candidates” as what they need the most. Alas, that is not the case.
How do we know this? Because this is a question we recently posed to the Top Echelon Network Membership in the form of a poll.
You might also think that “more time” would be the most popular answer to this poll question. If you thought that would be the case, then you would be wrong.
No, as usual, the truth is a bit more complicated and convoluted than that. In fact, as you can see below, there are plenty of recruiters who would like more job orders and clients in this overwhelmingly candidate-driven market.
But enough speculation. Below are the actual results of two poll questions that we recently posed to Top Echelon Network recruiters.
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What do you need the most right now on your recruiting desk?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters selecting each one:
- More job orders — 25.3%
- More clients — 24.1%
- More candidates — 38.0%
- More time — 6.3%
- More resources and/or personnel — 5.1%
- Something else — 1.3%
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With Thanksgiving this week, which group represents the biggest “turkeys” on your recruiting desk this year?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters selecting each one:
- Candidates — 25.4%
- Hiring authorities — 26.9%
- Human resources personnel — 16.4%
- Other recruiters — 9.0%
- Me, I’ve been my own biggest “turkey.” — 22.4%
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Just a reminder: we post a poll question in the Top Echelon Members’ Area every week. Once you participate in the poll, you can see the results as other Members cast their votes.
We usually post a new Members’ Area poll question on Monday. We usually do that, but we don’t always do that.
If YOU want to make more split placements and increase your Network production, then contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.
You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.