We Want Your Top Echelon Network Stories!

Matt DeutschAs you’re probably already aware, this year marks the 25th anniversary of Top Echelon Network.

During those 25 years, there have been a TON of great stories that have happened because of this Network and the people who have been a part of it.

Some of these stories have been collected and published in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog (and before that, The Pinnacle hardcopy newsletter).  However, the majority of have NOT, and that’s something that needs to be rectified.

That’s why we want your Top Echelon Network stories!

Why?  We want to share these stories with other Network Members.  We want to showcase them on our (soon-to-be-new) website.  We want to share them with other recruiters to emphasize that there are great people and great recruiters in this Network.

Now, keep in mind that these can be any type of stories, just so long as they pertain to your Network Membership.  Some examples are as follows:

  • A split placement you made under extraordinary circumstances
  • The beginning of a Trading Partner relationship
  • A memory from a Top Echelon networking event (National Convention, Fall Conference, etc.)

These are just some examples.  By no means does the story have to fall within these categories.  Our goal is to collect these stories and create a “scrapbook” of sorts, a collection of memories that emphasize the camaraderie and friendships that have transpired during the past 25 years.

How do you tell your story?  One of two ways:

  1. Email your story to Marketing@TopEchelon.com.
  2. Send an email to MDeutsch@TopEchelon.com indicating your desire to be interviewed for a story, and I’ll be glad to give you a call!

Recruiting is a “people business,” and there are many recruiters whose lives have been enriched by the relationships they’ve formed with other people in Top Echelon Network.

We want to hear—and tell—the story of those relationships!>

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