Two TE Agencies Celebrate Their 25th Anniversary!
See that cake in the above photo? That cake celebrated the 25th anniversary of Top Echelon Contracting. This week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, there are two TE agencies that are celebrating their 25th anniversary in our recruiting network.
I say this mainly because just about everybody likes cake. I also bring it up because we want to recognize these two TE agencies!
Let these TE agencies eat cake
The TE agencies in question are EXEK Recruiters, Ltd. and MEIRxRs/Med Exec Intl. As you can see below, they’re made quite a few split placements and quite a lot of money making those placements in the Network.
And they’re not alone. We also have an agency celebrating a 22-year anniversary (FINANCIALjobs.com) and another one celebrating a 20-year anniversary (Career Search Associates).
Twenty years of membership is impressive, no matter the situation. And we’re certainly glad that agencies and their recruiters have found 20 years’ worth of value in their Network membership. Because that’s what we strive to provide for all of our members: value that far exceeds the cost of their split fee recruiting membership.
So congratulations to everybody on the list below. Cake for everybody!
You do like cake . . . right?
(Editor’s note: Top Echelon recognizes agencies celebrating five, 10, 15, and 20-year Network anniversaries, plus any agency celebrating an anniversary in excess of 20 years.)
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25-Year Anniversary
EXEK Recruiters, Ltd. in Rochester, New York
Staff Members: Lawrence T. Ploscowe
Agency Join Date: August 19, 1993
Placements: 145
Career Cash-in: $1,292,323
MEIRxRs/Med Exec Intl in Glendale, California
Staff Members: Rosemarie Christopher, Lewie Casey, Shari Sanahi, and Trish Nunez
Agency Join Date: August 23, 1993
Placements: 63
Career Cash-in: $616,904
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22-Year Anniversary
FINANCIALJOBS.COM in Ojai, California
Staff Members: Michael Muller
Agency Join Date: August 22,m 1996
Placements: 28
Career Cash-in: $219,434
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20-Year Anniversary
Career Search Associates in Des Moines, Iowa
Staff Members: Cheryl Lang, CPC; Tammy Cline, CPC; Pat Calvert; Sandee Cook; Lisa Pringle; and Deb Strable
Agency Join Date: July 28, 1994
Placements: 53
Career Cash-in: $351,226
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10-Year Anniversary
Reliance Recruiting, LLC in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Staff Members: Ed Keil, Michelle Keil, Justin Liedel, Tim Ulrey, Justin Ortiz, Dan McLellan, and Joe Parrot
Agency Join Date: August 26, 2008
Placements: 27
Career Cash-in: $227,809
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5-Year Anniversary
Management Performance Associates in Kirkland, Washington
Staff Members: Marsha McKim and Michael Rapp
Agency Join Date: August 1, 2013
Placements: 2
Career Cash-in: $23,970