The Top Split Fee in TE for December: $68,224!
Shree Kumar of Max Populi, LLC and Shelli Saunders of GoRecruitMe are no strangers to the top split fee in Top Echelon’s recruiting network. After all, they split the following fees in TE during 2017:
- $39,560
- $44,100
- $27,600
Oh, wait. They did split one more fee. That fee totaled $68,224 and was the top split fee for the month of December!
A 9,928% return on investment!
Shree enjoyed a very productive first year in Top Echelon. Since joining on January 4, 2017, she’s made 10 split placements and her cash-in total for those 10 is $156,437.
First of all, that’s an average of $15,644 per placement. That’s a rather hefty average when you’re making splits. Second, Shree paid $1,560 in membership fees during 2017. She paid $1,560 in membership fees and her cash-in total for the year was $156,437.
Using those numbers, that’s a return on investment (ROI) of 9,928%!
That’s rather impressive for the first-year member of a recruiter network. If you’d like to achieve that kind of ROI on your membership in 2018, contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to
In the meantime, congratulations to both Shree and Shelli for scoring this HUGE placement fee!
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Top Split Fee for December:
Shree Kumar of Max Populi, LLC and Shelli Saunders of GoRecruitMe
The position for this split placement was a Neurosurgery Senior Advisor. Shree was the job order recruiter and Shelli was the candidate recruiter.
The action that stimulated this split placement was listed as “Offline communication with a member.”
The fee for this split placement was $68,224.
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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network split fee recruiting awards in four distinct categories:
1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter
We only announce the winners of these awards in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. We do so usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.