Top Echelon Network Charlotte Conference Feedback From Bob Norton
The Top Echelon Network Charlotte Conference last month was a huge success for those Preferred Members who made the decision to attend. One of the attendees of the conference–Bob Norton, CPC/CSP of Franklin Key Associates–sent the following email to Top Echelon President Mark Demaree.
Dear Debbie, Mark, Todd, and Drea (and Doug),

Thanks to the TE Management team and all the support staff behind the scenes for injection the family feel and professionalism into an economical event. For those who haven’t attended one, I will be happy to share why such gatherings will add to your bottom line.
Warmest wishes to all and again–my thanks!
(Don’t forget! You can now sign up for the Baltimore Conference in the Members’ Area at the Early Bird price of $99 per person. The Baltimore Conference is scheduled for Thursday, July 22, and Friday, July 23, at the Embassy Suites BWI.)