Top 10 Recruiters in TE for the First Quarter
Recruiters measure themselves in a lot of different ways. How much they bill is one of them. However, it doesn’t stop there. They also measure themselves in how much they bill every month, every quarter, and every year.
With that said, the first quarter of 2018 is now over. So, as you might imagine, recruiters are measuring themselves in terms of how much they billed during the first quarter. Since you can imagine that, you can probably also imagine that we’re measuring recruiters in that fashion, as well.
First quarter accomplishments
That’s why we’re pleased to present the top 10 recruiters in Top Echelon’s recruiting network for the first quarter of 2018!
As you can see, there are some familiar faces in the list below. However, there are also some faces who have not been on this list in a while but have now returned. There are also some faces that have never been on this list before.
So we have the old guard, the new guard, and everything in between. One of the great things about recruiting is that age is rarely, if ever, a factor.
The recruiting profession doesn’t care how old you are. The recruiting profession just cares if you can get the job done.
Congratulations to everybody on the list below for a job well done during the first quarter of 2018!
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First Place
Recruiter: Trey Cameron
Agency: Cameron Craig Group
Placements: Thirty (30)
Commission: $235,350
Second Place
Recruiter: Terry Rhodes
Agency: NewCareers
Placements: Seven (7)
Commission: $46,107
Third Place
Recruiter: Alan Daum
Agency: Alan N. Daum & Associates, Inc.
Placements: Five (5)
Commission: $63,403
Fourth Place
Recruiter: Melissa Truax
Agency: Premier Health Careers, Inc./Premier Paths
Placements: Five (5)
Commission: $15,326
Fifth Place
Recruiter: Shari Skurnik
Agency: Omega Management Group
Placements: Four (4)
Commission: $52,228
Sixth Place
Recruiter: Judy Kaplan
Agency: Professional Recruiting Consultants
Placements: Four (4)
Commission: $52,228
Seventh Place
Recruiter: Robert Alexander
Agency: Systems Technology International, Inc.
Placements: Four (4)
Commission: $28,688
Eighth Place
Recruiter: Aliceson Straley
Agency: Avalon Executive Search, LLC
Placements: Four (4)
Commission: $31,963
Ninth Place
Recruiter: Kimberly Taylor
Agency: Harlan Recruiting Group
Placements: Four (4)
Commission: $17,563
10th Place
Recruiter: David Austin
Agency: Austin Technology Resources
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $39,362
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Top Echelon’s split network determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its recruiting awards based upon two criteria, which are listed below in order of importance:
1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of cash-in dollars earned as a result of those split placements
This explains why, when multiple recruiters are tied with the same number of split placements during a given month or quarter, the recruiter with the largest cash-in total for their placements is deemed the winner.
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If you’re looking to make more placements with your Top Echelon split fee recruiting membership, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.455.1433, x156.