Too Busy with Job Orders? Then Do THIS!
We’re in a candidates’ market. As such, you might very well be “drowning” in job orders. At the very least, you have more than you can effectively work at once.
You might think that you’re a superhuman recruiter, but . . . you aren’t. Everybody has their limits. You can only stretch so far. So what should you do when a client gives you a job order and you have absolutely no time or energy to devote to it?
Busy making split placements
You should share that job with the Network and/or your split recruiting partners, that’s what!
And we have a case study that illustrates this logic perfectly. This case study involves Network members Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC and Jay Laney of The Williams Company.
MJ Recruiters received a job order from one of its clients. However, the agency’s recruiters were already busy working on other orders. As a result, they did not have time to focus on this particular order.
However, they DID know who to call in Top Echelon’s recruiting network: none other than Jay Laney!
The reason is easy. Maria knew that Jay’s area of specialization is Food & Beverage. The position was for a Production Manager. Jay presented quality candidates in no time at all, and Maria’s client hired one of them. Cha-ching!
Without the help of the Network, MJ Recruiters would not have been able to make this placement and earn the fee. Are YOU busy on your recruiting desk right now? Too busy to work on certain job orders?
Then share those orders with the Network and your trading partners! Let them work on the orders . . . because split placements are better than NO placements.
If you want to build more relationships in our recruiter network, Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS can help. You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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“Jay was THE MAN in this search. Our desks have been so busy with orders, we did not have time to focus on this position. I called Jay Laney…Mr. Food recruiter and he sent us 3-5 solid candidates for the position. We got the hire. Jay ran with this search and it paid off for both of us. Thank you, Jay, for your focus and time spent on our client’s search.”
Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Jay Laney of The Williams Company
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Maria and Jay have made together in Top Echelon.)