The Usual Suspects Among Top Recruiters in May
We have the top recruiters in Top Echelon Network for the month of May, and they should look familiar. That’s because they represent some of the usual suspects in the Network in recent weeks and months.
We have, of course, Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group, who’s made over 700 TE placements.
There’s veteran Terry Rhodes of NewCareers, who’s made 169 placements and was named Recruiter of the Month earlier this year.
Then there’s Mary Morris of Big Haystack and Carolyn Barcus of Barcus Associates. That duo has made eight split placements together and was the first tandem to be named Recruiters of the Week in TE.
And then there’s Robert Alexander of Systems Technology International, Inc. Robert has made nine TE splits so far this year and also earned Recruiter of the Week honors earlier this year.
These usual suspects are receiving a tremendous return on their Network investment. Consider the fact that they pay $130 per month in membership dues (same as you). Now look at their cash-in totals for May, which are listed below.
They’re getting “a lot of bang for their buck.” And YOU can, too.
Congratulations to everybody on the list below and congratulations to everybody who made Top Echelon placements during the month of May!
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Recruiters of the Month:
1st Place: Trey Cameron
Agency: Cameron Craig Group
Placements: ten (10)
Commission: $63,844
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2nd Place: Terry Rhodes
Agency: NewCareers
Placements: four (4)
Commission: $34,755
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3rd Place: Mary Morris
Agency: Big Haystack
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $44,180
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4th Place: Robert Alexander
Agency: Systems Technology International, Inc.
Placements: Three (3)
Commission: $27,105
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5th Place: Carolyn Barcus
Agency: Barcus Associates
Placements: Two (2)
Commission: $32,430
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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its split recruiting awards based upon two criteria, which are listed below in order of importance:
1.) The number of split placements made
2.) The amount of “cash-in” dollars earned as a result of those split placements
This explains why, when multiple recruiters are tied with the same number of placements during a given month or quarter, the recruiter with the largest “cash-in” total is deemed the winner.
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If you’re looking to make more placements with your Top Echelon recruiter network membership, contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.