TE Recruiter Cash Through Three Quarters of the Year
More recruiter cash, more recruiter problems. Actually, no . . . that’s not how the saying goes. More recruiter cash does not necessarily create more problems for said recruiter. It generally depends on the recruiter involved.
But forget all that for a moment. Because we recently asked our Network members to gauge the year so far in terms of their “cash-in” to this point in 2016. Specifically, we asked them to compare their totals to last year at this same time.
Our question was thus:
How does your overall cash-in through three quarters of 2016 compare to the first three quarters of 2015?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of Network recruiters that selected each one:
- Up more than 25% — 15.4%
- Up 1% to 25% — 18.3%
- The same — 23.1%
- Down 1% to 25% — 16.3%
- Down more than 25% — 23.1%
- I don’t track my numbers that closely. — 3.8%
Recruiter cash in the pan:
Typically, the best way to gauge the results of a poll like this one is as follows:
- Disregard the category of “the same.” Obviously, this category contributes nothing to whether or not recruiter cash is up or down.
- Add the two categories that are in the positive and the two categories that are in the negative.
- Contrast the sum of the positive categories and the sum of the negative categories.
- Now you know if things are trending up or down.
Let’s apply the strategy to the results of this poll:
- 18.3% of recruiters “up 1% to 25%” + 15.4% of recruiters “up more than 25%” = 33.7%
- 16.1% of recruiters “down 1% to 25%” + 23.1% of recruiters “down more than 25%” = 39.2%
These results would seem to indicate that recruiter cash is trending down slightly (at least as far as the Network is concerned). Now let’s dig even deeper.
A greater percentage of recruiters are “down more than 25%” (23.1%) than are “up more than 25%” (15.4%). That also lends credence to the slightly downward trend.
From our discussions with Network members and other recruiters, it appears the economy and the employment marketplace have both gotten a little “soft around the edges” since the beginning of the year. The upcoming Presidential Election might also be a factor.
Regardless, the final quarter might provide some clues as to what the future holds . . . particularly the future of the recruiting industry in 2017.