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As you probably already know, Greg Doersching of Bullseyes Mentor will be the main speaker at the 2016 Top Echelon National Convention.

However, there is also more good news: Top Echelon Network members qualify for a discount on two recruiter training programs that Doersching is offering throughout 2016. One program is focused on fundamental desk concepts, and the other is for advanced recruiters.

As a Top Echelon Network member, you qualify for a discount on both programs. The cost for a single participant is $350 for the year (just $17 a session). The price for an office (up to three individuals) is $500.

Recruiter training schedule and pricing

Below is the schedule for the fundamental desk concepts series of webinars. All sessions start at noon, Central Time, and will last approximately one hour.

January 5 — Selling Your Firm
January 19 — Good Recruiting Habits
February 2 — Attracting Candidates
February 16 — Targeting New Clients
March 1 — Electronic Recruiting Tactics
March 22 — Quick Hit BD Calls
April 19 — Making Recruiting Calls
May 10 — Overcoming Objections
May 17 — Qualifying Candidates
June 7 — Negotiating Fees
July 19 — Proper Candidate Presentation
August 9 — Taking a Complete Job Order
September 6 — Push- Pull Client Control
September 27 — Negotiating Offers
October 11 — Open Q & A
October 18 — Interview Prep/Debrief
November 8 — Voice of Client Interviews & Goal Setting
December 6 — Planning for 2017

Click here to register for the “Fundamental Desk Concepts Series” as a single participant, and click here to register as an office.

Below is the schedule for the advanced recruiter series of webinars. All sessions start at 1:30 p.m., Central Time, and will last approximately one hour.

January 5 — Building “YOU” as a Brand
February 2 — Getting More out of Your Database
March 1 — How to Build a Bigger Client Footprint
April 26 — Getting the most out of a Researcher
May 17 — It’s How You Say It
June 7 — Raising the Prices on Established Clients
July 19 — Dealing with why you don’t have Candidates
August 9 — The psychology of Closing
September 6 — Getting ahead of the 4th Quarter
October 11 — Open Q & A
November 8 — Advanced Voice of Client Interviews & Goal Setting
December 6 — Top Producer Planning for 2017

Click here to register for the “Advanced Recruiter Series” as a single participant, and click here to register as an office.

Click here to register for both series as a single participant.

Click here to register for both series as an office.

Top Echelon is pleased to present this Greg Doersching recruiter training special to its Network members. Our mission statement is to help recruiters make more placements, and providing quality training opportunities is one of the ways we strive to accomplish that mission.

We hope that you’ll take advantage of this special offer and that you’ll join us for the National Convention in Las Vegas!

David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, Inc. has established himself as one of the top producers in Top Echelon Network. But don’t forget about his father!

That’s because David J. Sgro, CPC (also affectionately known as “Papa Sgro”) shared in the biggest split recruiting fee in the Network for the month of November.

Sgro made the split with another top producer in Top Echelon, Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search. Kohn is currently #2 in the Network in terms of cash-in over the past 12 months.

Like his son, Sgro believes in the power of networking, especially face-to-face networking. He attends regional core groups and Top Echelon events like our National Convention and Fall Conference. Those investments of time and energy have paid off him and his son.

Congratulations to “Papa Sgro,” Steve Kohn, and everybody else who enjoyed a great month of November in Top Echelon Network. Who will own the biggest split recruiting fee in Top Echelon during the month of December?

Tune in next month to find out!

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Largest Split Fee of the Month:

Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Steve Kohn

David J. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, Inc.

David J. Sgro, CPC

David J. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, Inc. and Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

The position for this split placement was a Director IT Audit. Sgro was the job order recruiter, and Kohn was the candidate recruiter.

The action that stimulated this split placement was listed as, “Regular communication with a Top Echelon Network member.”

The fee for this split placement was $37,500.

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Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network recruiting awards in four distinct categories, which are listed below:

1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter

The winners of these awards are only announced in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.

Okay, so we already know that the number-one benefit of being a Top Echelon member is the “ability to make split placements.”

However, one of the other benefits of being a member is “relationships and friendships with other recruiters.” (You’d already know that if you had clicked the above link and checked out that previous blog post . . . wouldn’t you?)

But we wanted to quantify members’ recruiting relationships in Top Echelon Network, so we recently posted the following poll question:

How many new, genuine friendships have you created with other recruiters as a result of your TE membership?

The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:

  • One (1) — 20.7%
  • Two (2) — 15.2%
  • Three (3) — 10.9%
  • Four (4) — 12.0%
  • Five (5) — 7.6%
  • More than five (5) — 33.7%

Recruiters want recruiting relationships

Obviously, not every single member of Top Echelon Network has made new recruiting relationships since they joined. However, many of them have, and as the results of this poll indicate, they’ve made more than one new friend.

In fact, over 40% of the poll participants have made five or more friendships, and 33.7% have made “more than five.” How many might that be? Who knows? Those recruiters might have made six, seven, or 10 new friendships since becoming TE members.

Recruiting relationships are the foundation of success in Top Echelon Network. It’s one of the many benefits of membership. Recruiters are people just like everybody else. Sure, they want to make placements and make money, but they also want to surround themselves with good people and make quality friends.

The bottom line: recruiters want recruiting relationships.

The bottom-bottom line: Top Echelon Network provides the opportunity for recruiters to build those relationships. Not only that, but we also offer tools and techniques for doing so quickly and more effectively.

How many more friends do YOU have as a result of joining Top Echelon Network?