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We’ve reached yet another week in “Top Echelon’s Epic 95 Days of Summer,” and that means more Hall of Fame induction announcements!

We have another four individual recruiters who have earned Top Echelon HOF status this week. And since we don’t like to hold people in suspense (for too long), the names of those four recruiters are listed below:

  1. Jim Strickland of BioSource Recruiters
  2. Bob Millman of AutoPro Technical Recruiting
  3. Larry Radzely of Adel-Lawrence Associates, Inc.
  4. Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

We’re past the halfway point of our Hall of Fame journey, but don’t fear: there are plenty of exciting announcements and inductions left before TE Connect 2024 in Canton, Ohio next month.

Sure, summer may be flying by, but there’s still plenty of the season left. So grab a cold drink, kick back, and read all about this week’s Hall of Fame inductees!

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CO-BROKE: Agency recruiters and search consultants often lend each other advice about their profession and their business. Throughout the years, numerous recruiters have advised their peers about the benefits of joining Top Echelon’s split placement network.

The next inductee into the Top Echelon Hall of Fame, though, took that exact same advice from this wife. Now, more than 20 years later, Jim Strickland of Biosource Recruiters in Wilmington, North Carolina has made 230 TE split placements and is one of the top billers in the history of the Network.

“When I started recruiting over 24 years ago, I was struggling and then I found out about the TE Network and sharing jobs and creating split placements,” said Jim. “I talked with my wife, who came from a real estate background, and she summed it up best.

“She said learn to ‘co-broke or go-broke.’ So that has been my slogan for the past 24 years and it’s worked for me.”

Actually, to say that it worked would be an understatement. Jim is one of an elite group of recruiters who have made 200 or more TE split placements.

Jim, who specializes primarily in the Pharmaceutical industry, joined TE Network in 2003, just as the economy was pulling itself out of a recession. He, the Network, and the rest of the country then endured the Great Recession a few years later. Jim leveraged the resources of the Network during good times and bad to become one of the most prolific producers in Top Echelon’s history.

“I have been fortunate enough to have been involved with multiple businesses over my career and have always said my affiliation with Top Echelon was the best choice I ever made,” he said.

We at Top Echelon are pleased to announce the induction of Jim Strickland into the Top Echelon Hall of Fame as a member of the 2024 class!

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BOBTIMISM: Quite a few of the recruiters who we’ve inducted into the 2024 class of the Top Echelon Hall of Fame started in the profession right around the time that TE got its start in the world as Nationwide Interchange Service (NIS).

And yes, you guessed it, we have yet another recruiter who meets that requirement!

That recruiter is Bob Millman of AutoPro Technical Recruiting in Oak Park, Michigan. Bob began in the recruiting profession in 1987, one year before NIS embarked upon its humble beginnings. However, Bob didn’t join Top Echelon Network until 1996, but once he did, he “jumped in with both feet” and started making split placements.

According to Bob, Top Echelon’s ability to evolve right along with the profession has been one of the keys to his success within the Network—and in general.

“Top Echelon has been an integral part of my somehow still being in business after all these decades,” he said. “It has been great to benefit from their constant evolution, both in customer service and technically, in order to increase the chances of success with Network membership.”

Also like many of the recruiters who have been inducted into the 2024 class of the TE Hall of Fame, Bob has encountered his share of adversity over the years. This adversity included a recession in 2001, the Great Recession, and the COVID-19 lockdowns.

In addition to his skills and talents as a recruiter, Bob’s success within TE and within the profession can be found in his optimistic attitude and sense of humor. Both of these characteristics come in handy while working a job as stressful as that of a search consultant.

However, despite being in the profession for nearly four decades, Bob shows no signs of slowing down: “Good luck and God bless to all of us, and let’s make some money together!”

We at Top Echelon are pleased to announce the induction of Bob Millman into the Top Echelon Hall of Fame as a member of the 2024 class!

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GOLDEN VOYAGE: Top Echelon’s long, rich history is shared by a handful of recruiters who have been with the Network since the beginning—or almost the beginning.

After all, there’s only one TE Charter Member left: Steve Brody of Executive Resource Systems, a 2024 inductee into the Top Echelon Hall of Fame.

Top Echelon was founded in 1988 as Nationwide Interchange Service (NIS) by Mike Kappel and Mark Weinland, the same year that recruiter Larry Radzely founded Adel-Lawrence Associates, Inc. in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

While Larry did not join NIS—er, I mean Top Echelon—in its inaugural year of 1988, he did so three years later in 1991. Since then, Larry’s membership and Adel-Lawrence Associates have grown in tandem. Recently, Larry reached the 100-placement plateau within TE. Meanwhile, his agency received national accolades by being listed by Forbes magazine as one of the “Top 250 Professional Recruiting Firms” in the United States in 2017.

Larry and his agency specialize in the nationwide search of Engineering, Technical, and Healthcare personnel. He is a prime example of a recruiter who strategically supplements his recruiting desk with Network resources to make placements that he would not have made otherwise.

Larry is a split-minded search consultant who looks for opportunities to make splits when they make sense and doesn’t hesitate to trust his trading partners to help him get the job done. And that is just one reason that, like Steve Brody, Larry Radzely is a first-ballot HOF member.

“I am truly honored to be recognized by the Network,” said Larry. “If not for TE, I am not sure we would still be in business after 33 years. Thank you . . . and thank you to all my networking partners!”

We at Top Echelon are pleased to announce the induction of Larry Radzely into the Top Echelon Hall of Fame as a member of the 2024 class!

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TRUE BELIEVER: As we’ve already chronicled, Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC and Keith Cornelison of Personnel Resources are among the Top Echelon members who have made it to 100 Network placements the fastest.

You can add Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc. to that list.

That’s because Gary joined Top Echelon Network in June of 2019, and as of right now, he has made 110 TE placements. (Of course, he’s not as far down the road to 200 placements as Keith is, but there’s still time for Gary to catch up.)

Believe it or not, Gary initially viewed other recruiters operating in his niche as strictly competition. “Before I joined [Top Echelon], I didn’t understand the concept of the Network,” Gary said. “My personal belief was that working with another recruiter was deemed competition. Ergo, recruiters did not work together.”

As you can imagine, his stance has changed since becoming a TE Network member. One hundred and ten split placements—and the money that goes along with those placements—has a funny way of doing that.

Not only does Gary make money as a Top Echelon Network member, but he’s also saved money. How, you might ask? Because when Gary joined TE, he worked in a state—California—that has some of the strictest laws in the country concerning the difference between W-2 employees and 1099 independent contractors. As a result, it’s nearly impossible to employ somebody without having to make them a W-2 employee, which is the costlier option for a recruiting agency owner. According to Gary (who now lives in Florida), the Network largely eliminates the need for hiring other recruiters or employees.

“With Network membership, you can have access to all of these [job orders], but you don’t have to spend any money on hiring recruiters,” he said. “Especially in California, if I hire somebody, I can’t make them a 1099 independent contractor. But with the Network, I can work these jobs and don’t have to hire other recruiters. That right there is a good reason to join all by itself.”

So Gary went from being skeptical of the split placement business model to fully embracing it, leveraging the tremendous value that Top Echelon offers, and maximizing his membership in just about every way that a recruiter can.

We at Top Echelon are pleased to announce the induction of Gary Schultz into the Top Echelon Hall of Fame as a member of the 2024 class!

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Be sure to check The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog—as well as Top Echelon’s official LinkedIn account—for future announcements regarding 2024 inductees into Top Echelon’s Hall of Fame!

Thank you for all of the feedback submitted regarding Top Echelon’s new user interface preview!

Your insights have been invaluable in shaping a more intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly experience. As a result of that feedback, here are a few of the most recent updates and bug fixes that have been addressed:

  • Datasheet layouts; you can now have more than two (2) columns of cards on larger resolutions.
  • Activity details and timestamps are now displayed on People Datasheets.
  • Additional Planner views (week, month, overdue) have returned.
  • Missing Resume card has been returned to the bottom of People Datasheets.
  • Ability to drag Activity modals has been restored.
  • An initial iteration of changes to address some spacing concerns.

To view the full list of updates and follow along with the changes that we’re making, check out the New User Interface Ongoing Changelog in our Help Center.

We encourage everyone to check out the latest updates using the banner at the top of any page within the software to toggle seamlessly between the two experiences.

In addition, we recommend reading through our New User Interface FAQs for responses to a few of the more common questions we have received after launching the initial preview.

Remember, you can always stay informed about software updates by visiting the official Top Echelon Product Updates page. You can see current and past updates, as well as which updates and upgrades are next.

If you have questions about these updates or about any other aspect of your Top Echelon Network and/or recruiting software account, you can:

→ Send an email to

→ Visit our Help Center for answers to your questions or start a live chat by clicking the “Contact” link in the navigation bar.

How in the world is it already the middle of August? Time is flying by, which means TE Connect Fall 2024 will be here before you know it!

And if you haven’t made plans to join us next month, then you should, because for the first time ever, we’re holding a major conference in our hometown of Canton, Ohio! (Pro Football Hall of Fame, anyone?)

Now, though, I’d like to announce that, like our event in the spring of this year, there are three sponsors of TE Connect Fall 2024. They are:

  • Recruiters Websites
  • SourceWhale
  • Quil.AI

This week, I’m going to focus on Recruiters Websites within the page of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

Recruiters Websites, a leading provider of cutting-edge website solutions tailored specifically for recruiters and staffing firms, brings a wealth of expertise and resources to the table. Their sponsorship of TE Connect Fall 2024 underscores their commitment to supporting the growth and success of recruiters by providing them with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive market.

One of the key benefits of partnering with Recruiters Websites is their focus on user experience and functionality. Their websites are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for both recruiters and candidates to navigate and interact with the platform. From sleek and modern designs to seamless integration with applicant tracking systems and other recruitment tools, Recruiters Websites offers a comprehensive solution that meets the diverse needs of recruiters across industries.

In fact, Steve Gipson of Recruiters Websites will be presenting one of the sessions at Top Echelon Connect Fall 2024 in Canton. The title of that session is “Website Workshop: Creating Your Web-Presence Super Powers.” That session is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24.

And as you may know, Recruiters Websites is currently offering a complimentary Website Performance Review for Top Echelon customers. Below are the areas that Recruiters Websites will cover during your review:

Below is what you can expect from your FREE review from Recruiters Websites:

  • Your messaging effectiveness
  • Calls to action assessment
  • Site navigation optimization
  • Targeted improvements for better responses

Feel like your website could be doing more? Visit this link or call (573) 837-1315 ext. 217 to schedule your FREE 15-minute live review from Recruiters Websites.

Once again, below is the important logistical information regarding TE Connect Fall 2024:

  • Dates: September 23-25, 2024
  • Location: Canton, Ohio
  • Early Bird Registration: $325 per person through Saturday, September 7

As we’ve done for our past several recruiter networking events, we have a special website dedicated to TE Connect Fall 2024.

The URL for that website is In the meantime . . .

Click HERE to register for TE Connect Fall 2024!

If you have any questions about registration (or about any other aspects of the conference), please contact me at 330.595.1742 or via email at

In the next installment of our Planning Your Network Success” series of blog posts, I’m going to explore how you can assess your current stage as a TE networker.

There are a couple of reasons to do this, but the main one has to do with the five stages of Top Echelon Network growth. I’ll discuss those stages in an upcoming blog post.

I’m going to use a series of questions to help determine your current stage as a TE networker. You’ll be able to take your answers and see which of the five stages you fall into.

1. Which statement about mindset best characterizes you?

  • You’re skeptical about the benefits of networking compared to the initial time investment.
  • You need to see some results before you can be a true believer in split business.
  • You feel networking should be a steady percentage of your business, in good years and bad.
  • You feel split business is no longer “optional”; you work to make splits happen.
  • You not only take your split business seriously, but you even enjoy it.  You’re good at it.

2. Which statement about trust best characterizes you?

  • You’re normally non-trusting about other recruiters and are reluctant to openly share information.
  • You’re cautious, hold back your best candidates/job orders, and reluctantly share client information.
  • You share all but the most exceptional items and are not concerned about getting “ripped off.”
  • You share everything; you do not hold back your exceptional items for yourself.

3. Which statement about effort best characterizes you?

  • You are unwilling or unable to put forth enough effort to be a successful TE networker.
  • You submit some candidates/job orders and wait to get results to determine the Network’s value.
  • You have good intentions (try to submit items), but something always keeps deals from closing.
  • You’re the hardest-working networker—most submissions, responses, etc.—and almost at the top!
  • You expel a lot of energy—your reputation and core group relationships are your keys to success!

4. Which statement best describes your expectations of Top Echelon as a recruiting network?

  • You fluctuate, and you blame the Network or other members if you’re unsuccessful.
  • Your expectations are high; you see potential, but expect others to respond to your submissions.
  • Your expectations are realistic; many of your submissions will not be placed, but some will.
  • You know how to use your time to generate split placement revenue and take split placement business seriously.
  • You can predict your number of annual split placements, and you have a plan to make it happen!

5. Which statement best describes your intentions and ability to submit data to the Network?

  • Your effort is minimal if you submit items, and often the quality lacks important details.
  • You send many items and might place one; or you submit a few to test the level of response.
  • You know you need a pipeline of regular submissions, but other responsibilities may interfere.
  • You’ve found the right combination in your office to keep the pipeline flowing regularly!
  • Your pipeline is running so smoothly that it functions even if you’re out of the office!

6. Which statement best describes you with respect to quality?

  • You always hold back your excellent candidates/job orders so you can get a full fee.
  • Your intentions are good, but you still have a tendency to hold back your excellent items.
  • You pass only your quality items and have pride in what you share (may still hold back the “very best.”)
  • You deal only in quality and expect the same in others, but will forgive those outside of your core group.

7. Which statement best describes your current relationship with trading partners?

  • You tend to view other recruiters as competitors.
  • You’ve contacted enough Network recruiters now to have some good and “not so good” experiences.
  • You recognize that every firm does things differently and can “roll with the punches.”
  • You treat your split recruiting partners like clients and have at least one who you trust implicitly.
  • You treat every Network recruiter with respect, looking for additions to your core group (upon whom you rely).

8. Which statement best describes your overall Top Echelon Network billings and the economy?

  • Typically $0, whether it’s a good year or a bad economy.
  • Typically $0 to $10,000 per year, but you don’t trust to do splits in a strong economy.
  • $15,000 to $30,000 per year, and you know that splits are important in good or bad times.
  • $45,000 to $85,000 per year, and your split business is important to you in good or bad times.
  • $90,000 to $210,000 per year, and you know that the “machine needs to be oiled” in any economy.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the stages of a TE networker, you can contact me by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

Top Echelon Customer Success Manager Todd Bossler recently conducted a special Training Tuesday webinar titled, “Activities: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know (and More)!”

You may have attended this free webinar on Tuesday, August 6. On the other hand, you may not have been in attendance.

Regardless, we have the recorded version of the webinar, which I am presenting to you now. (The recording is also located in the Top Echelon Help Center.)

If you are not a user of our recruiting software, then check out the video, anyway, to see how the software could benefit your recruiting desk and agency.

We at Top Echelon are continually working to make the resources that we provide to our customers better, and this is yet more proof!

Below is the official description of this training video:

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Todd Bossler

Todd Bossler

Are you putting the full power of the Top Echelon software to work for you? If your answer is “No” or even if you’re not sure how to answer that question, then you should watch the next video in our Training Tuesday webinar series!

That’s because Customer Success Manager Todd Bossler will tackle Activities, the lifeblood of your recruiting process within the Top Echelon software. During this information-packed session, Todd will address:

  • Activities, Quick Notes, and Calendar invitations
  • The time-saving Timeline feature
  • The robust role of the Planner
  • The power of Activity Reports
  • Collaboration via the Mentions system
  • And more! (Wait, did we say that already?)

The year is more than halfway over, and no matter how the first half of 2024 treated you, it’s time to finish the year strong.

So watch this video and get ready for “Activities: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know (and More)!”

Watch this Top Echelon ATS training video!

Remember to check The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog every week for more updates regarding Top Echelon software improvements and upgrades.

If you have any questions about how you can maximize your Top Echelon split network membership, please contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to