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Welcome to our series of blog posts that highlight members making placements in Top Echelon’s recruiting network. This week, we’re specifically highlighting recruiters who recently made their first Network placements!

We have how many such recruiters. They’re listed below in random order:

  • Angie Courtright of Acloche Direct Hire
  • Eric Seeley of Integrity Recruiting
  • Janey Gohl of
  • Jon Harnett of bizjobz, LLC
  • Deb Hunkins Patane of Professional Outlook, Inc.
  • Jen Acosta of Acosta Consulting Solutions, LLC

That’s quite a few recruiters making their first Network placements! We also had somebody make their second TE split. That would be Juanita Smith of the Executive Group. We’d like to congratulate her, as well. (After all, there’s a chance we did not congratulate her on making her first Network split.)

Making your first split in the Network is a big deal. Once you make it, you’re part of a special club of recruiters. You don’t get a ring or a special jacket or anything, like they do in motorcycle clubs, but hey . . . you’ll take the extra cash, won’t you?

Of course you will. And you’ll also join me in congratulating everybody who made split placements in Top Echelon Network this week!

And if you’d like to know how YOU can enjoy more Network success (including making your first TE split), please contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to

This Week’s TE Split Placements

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Angie Courtright of Acloche Direct Hire

Angie Courtright

Job recruiter: Angie Courtright of Acloche Direct Hire

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee percentage: 20%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Eric Seeley of Integrity Recruiting

Eric Seeley

Hugh Moran of MPC Partners, LLC

Hugh Moran

Job recruiter: Hugh Moran of MPC Partners, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Eric Seeley of Integrity Recruiting


Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: Offline communication with a member

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Adam Krueger of Sun Recruiting, Inc.

Adam Krueger

Job recruiter: Adam Krueger of Sun Recruiting, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Janey Gohl of


Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: Offline communication with a member

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Steve Kohn

Jon Harnett of bizjobz, LLC

Jon Harnett

Job recruiter: Jon Harnett of bizjobz, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.


Fee percentage: 15%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Deb Hunkins Patane of Professional Outlook, Inc.

Deb Hunkins Patane

Juanita Smith of Executive Group

Juanita Smith

Job recruiter: Deb Hunkins Patane of Professional Outlook, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Juanita Smith of Executive Group


Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: Offline communication with a member

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Jen Acosta of Acosta Consulting Solutions, LLC

Jen Acosta

Herman Bruno of Corps Partners

Herman Bruno

Job recruiter: Jen Acosta of Acosta Consulting Solutions, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Herman Bruno of Corps Partners


Fee percentage: 20%

Action causing split placement: Offline communication with a member

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Lois Rupkey of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

Lois Rupkey

Job recruiter: Lois Rupkey of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee percentage: 20%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Michael Agen

Job recruiter: Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee percentage: 20%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Bruce Widnes of The Recruiting Group, Inc.

Bruce Widnes

Job recruiter: Bruce Widnes of The Recruiting Group, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee percentage: Flat

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search

Steve Kohn

Doug Boyce of Priority One Search

Doug Boyce

Job recruiter: Doug Boyce of Priority One Search

Candidate recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.


Fee percentage: 25%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Steve Zollner of The Sunridge Group

Steve Zollner

Aliceson Straley of Avalon Executive Search, LLC

Aliceson Straley

Job recruiter: Steve Zollner of The Sunridge Group

Candidate recruiter: Aliceson Straley of Avalon Executive Search, LLC


Fee percentage: 22.5%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

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Bill Laming of Laming and Associates

Bill Laming

Terry Rhodes of NewCareers

Terry Rhodes

Job recruiter: Bill Laming of Laming and Associates

Candidate recruiter: Terry Rhodes of NewCareers


Fee percentage: 15%

Action causing split placement: Network Jobs Feed

“Choosy mothers choose Jif.” That sentence alone demonstrates the power of branding. In this case, it demonstrates product branding.

But how choosy are your clients? Do they even like peanut butter? (Perhaps they’re allergic to it.) Of course, we’re NOT talking about peanut butter! We’re talking about job candidates.

To get to the bottom of this, we recently posted a poll question in the Members’ Area. That question is below. Before you read the rest of this blog post, though, I recommend making a hearty peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You want one now, don’t you?

Are clients more choosy, less choosy, or the same amount of choosy about candidates than a year ago?

The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of split network recruiters that selected each one:

  • More choosy — 47.4%
  • Less choosy — 3.5%
  • Same amount of choosy — 49.1%

More or less choosy

Let’s start with the status quo, shall we? That would be the TE recruiters who think that clients are the “same amount.” That percentage is 49.1%.

However, “More” was the second-most popular answer at 47.4%. It should come as no surprise, then, that “Less” was last at 3.5%.

Here’s the thing, though. If we are in the midst of a candidates’ market, wouldn’t you think that hiring managers would be a little less particular? After all, qualified candidates are in short supply.

There is an argument to be made that hiring managers should absolutely not be “waffling” about candidates. (Yet another food reference.) To do so would mean dragging out the hiring process. When you drag out the hiring process, you lose candidates. Why? Because it’s a candidates’ market!

Candidates have more options. This is especially the case for top candidates. They’re not going to stick around and wait for a hiring manager to make up their mind. They have other companies with which to interview and other offers to consider.

So the results of this poll are a bit mind-boggling. Logic would seem to dictate that when something is in short supply, you should make adjustments and contingency plans. You do the best with what you have and what’s available.

That doesn’t mean settling for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when you want a porterhouse steak. But it does mean perhaps settling for a T-bone.

Now . . . who’s hungry?

Another month has gone by, and contract recruiters in Top Echelon’s recruiting network have made even more money.

Welcome back to our series of blog posts recognizing the top contract earners in the Network. The cash-in production indicated below is as of the last day of the preceding month. (In this case, that month is May.)

Some of the contract recruiters on the list below literally made thousands of dollars during the past month because of the contract placements they made. This is recurring revenue that they can enjoy while they continue to pursue direct hire placements.

This is like making money . . . while you’re making money! (Who would NOT want to do that? Collect the check, cash the check. Collect the check, cash the check. Repeat, repeat . . .)

But let’s get down to business, shall we? Below are the top contract recruiters in Top Echelon Network through the month of May. But first, a word from our sponsor.

This report lists the Top 20 Top Echelon Network members by contract placement earnings through Top Echelon Contracting. The report is provided to Network members for informational purposes. Top Echelon Network and Top Echelon Contracting utilize two different reward programs. Top Echelon Contracting recognizes and awards recruiters through its Frequent Contract Placement (FCP) Program. This program gives recruiters the opportunity to earn “cash back” points on recruiter commissions. Once a recruiter has $20,000 in earnings, he or she will begin earning cash back. Click here to learn more about the FCP program.

Top 20 Contract Placement Recruiters: May 31, 2018

Recruiter and Agency2018 Earnings
Keith Adams of PediaStaff$471,671
Jim Brown of Galileo Search, LLC$349,418
Cindy Stephens, CPC/CTS of Stephens International Recruiting, Inc.$36,697
Cindy Ridley of HRtechies, Inc.$33,182
Philip Bartfield of Analytic Search$15,212
Donna Carroll, CPC of Systems Personnel$15,103
Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC$14,213
John F. Hope, CPC of Tri-Force$13,257
Pat McCombs, CPC of KB Search Team, LLC$9,464
Bill Young of EPC Recruiters, Inc.$8,184

All of the recruiters on this list are direct hire recruiters. They run a direct hire desk, in addition to making contract placements.

You do NOT have to stop making direct hire placements to offer contract staffing services to your existing base of clients. All you have to do is two things:

  1. Ask your clients if they have contract job orders. (If they do, then there’s a good chance they’ll give them to you.)
  2. Use Top Echelon’s recruitment back office solutions. We’ll take care of all the financial, legal, and administrative details associated with employing the contractors.

Once the candidate is placed, you kick back and collect contract placement checks. Correct that: you also continue making direct hire placements. There’s no kicking back in this current candidates’ market.

And if you have any questions about this whole process, we have answers.

Click here to schedule a walk-through of TEC’s services.

Every recruiter would like to double their recruiting revenue. But the question is HOW do you accomplish such a thing?

The good news is that we have the answer! Well, not us, specifically, but Greg Doersching of Bullseye Mentor, a consulting agency that offers expert recruiter training.

Greg conducted a webinar about this very topic. Not only that, but we also had the foresight to record the live webinar. So now we have the recorded version forever . . . bwahahahahaha!

Anyway, the video that we’re highlighting this week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog is “Learn How to Double Your Recruiting Revenue in the Next Five Years.” Below is the official description of that video.

More recruiting revenue for YOU

Recruiters are facing incredible obstacles in today’s job market. Baby Boomers are retiring. Millennials make up most of the candidate and client pools. LinkedIn is offering less and charging more. ZipRecruiter is everywhere.

In this webinar video, industry trainer and recruiting expert Greg Doersching will teach you how to overcome these obstacles. He’ll also teach you how to thrive in today’s market while putting you on a path to doubling your recruiting revenue!

During this free webinar video, you’ll learn how to:

  • Diversify your recruiting offerings to give your clients more value.
  • Streamline the recruiting process to make more money up front.
  • Identify the right candidates for the right placements.
  • And much more!

If you want to double your recruiting revenue (and really, what recruiter doesn’t?), then check out this free video. Your future self will thank your present self!

Watch this FREE training video!

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Remember: Top Echelon also offers FREE training sessions as part of our “Recruiter Coaching Series” of webinars. We offer these webinars on the second Tuesday of every month.

In addition, Top Echelon offers an extensive library of recruiter training videos. We invite you to browse through these videos, which are presented by some of the leading trainers in the recruiting profession.