How You Can Earn $100 for Your Network Referrals
Ever since Top Echelon Network was founded in 1988, the number-one way in which we’ve gained the best split-minded recruiters that the industry has to offer is through referrals from current members.
And that hasn’t changed!
We STILL need and want your referrals for the Network . . . and we are willing to pay for them.
Below are the ground rules for Top Echelon’s referral program in regards to Network membership:
- There’s no limit to the number of referrals that you can give us. For instance, let’s say you submit 12 referrals that become members. Then essentially your split network membership dues for one year will be paid.
- If you’re the main contact for your firm, we will credit your agency’s account $130. On the other hand, if you’re NOT the main contact for your firm, then we will credit the account of the Network agency for which you work $130.
- When we say a “free month of membership,” that does not include the brokerage fee. If you refer somebody and you make a split placement during the same month that we credit your agency’s account $130, your agency still owes a brokerage fee for that split. (You can’t avoid paying the brokerage fee. Ever.)
- The referral fee for the Big Biller recruiting software is still $100.
And all you have to do is forward them a link to the application page for Network membership. Where is that link? We’re glad you asked.
Once your recruiting colleagues apply and are accepted for Network membership, we’ll credit your Top Echelon account $100.
If you have a referral for the Big Biller software, please send an email to with the relevant information.
Send us your referrals! And you might earn $100!