Presenting Our Latest Updates to the Software!
We’re continuously updating both the Top Echelon recruiting software and our split placement network software. So we’re pleased to announce the following software updates!
1. Weekday Recurring Activity Option
A new Weekday options has been added to the Repeat field in Scheduled Activities, allowing you to quickly schedule a recurring activity to occur Monday Through Friday.
2. Export Enhancements
Our spreadsheet export functionality in People, Company, and Job lists received several updates, including:
- New column additions, including (but not limited to) next and last Activity dates and details, custom fields, created and modified dates, and social media URLs
- The ability to choose which columns are included in your export and which are not
- Selection preferences will be remembered from list to list, per record type
- The ability to reorder the columns that are included in your export
3. Ability to Export Report Table Views
You now have the option to export the Table view on Activity, Pipeline, and Placement Reports. This new option provides increased flexibility, as previously only the Table Details view was available for export.
4. Billing Overview Revamp
An overhaul to the Billing Overview page includes an updated and improved interface, along with:
- The centralization of all billing and subscription management
- The ability to view billing history and invoices
- The ability to view and manage current services and add-ons
- Viewing your active user count and details
- Managing payment methods, including the ability to add backup cards
5. [BETA TESTING] Checkr
Our integration with Checkr will help you fill roles more quickly and can drive additional revenue. Their quick and thorough background checks make the hiring and screening process more efficient.
(In the coming weeks, we will be looking for beta testing participants, who may receive free background checks during the beta period. If you are interested in beta testing our Checkr integration, please email us at beta@topechelon.com.)
Remember, you can always stay informed by visiting the official Top Echelon Product Updates page. You can see current and past updates, as well as which updates and upgrades are next.
If you have questions about these updates or about any other aspect of your Top Echelon Network and/or recruiting software account, you can:
→ Send an email to support@topechelon.com.
→ Visit our Help Center.