Do You Still Make “Low-Hanging Fruit” Placements?

Question: what’s the only thing better than making a placement? Answer: making an EASY placement. In other words, making a “low-hanging fruit” deal.

However, do those types of deals even exist anymore? After all, if companies can find fill those types of job openings themselves, why do they need recruiters?

And if they DO exist, how often do they happen? These are all excellent questions. That’s why we recently posed the following poll question in the Members’ Area:

How many of your placements are “low-hanging fruit” placements?

The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of Network recruiters that selected each one:

  • More than enough to make me happy! — 2.6%
  • They happen, but not as frequently as they used to. — 30.8%
  • I make one every once in a great while. — 33.3%
  • Are you kidding? Those don’t exist anymore. — 33.3%

What kind of fruit does your desk bear?

Perhaps the most telling answer in this poll is the first one. Only 2.6% of recruiters indicated that they make more than enough “low-hanging fruit” placements to make them happy. Which means, of course, that 97.4% of them are NOT happy!

Now let’s explore the different ways that they’re not happy. The answers are distributed pretty evenly across the board. The three remaining answers garnered at least 30% apiece.

Two answers led the way with exactly one-third (33.3%) of the vote. Those answers were “I make one every once in a great while” and “Are you kidding? Those don’t exist anymore.” And the third response was not far behind. That’s because “They happen, but not as frequently as they used to” earned 30.8%.

So what’s the conclusion? That “low-hanging fruit” placements DO exist. However, they are few and far between. Recruiters see them very infrequently, about as frequently as a person would see Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. Or maybe Elvis. Or a purple squirrel.

Regardless, these types of deals are becoming more rare with each passing day. So if you see “low-hanging fruit” and you get the chance to pick it, grab it and don’t let go!

If you want to experience more success in Top Echelon’s recruiting network and make more split placements, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to

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