TE: Building Recruiter Relationships One Placement at a Time
On November 22, Terry Rhodes of NewCareers will be celebrating his 20th anniversary in Top Echelon Network.
During the past 20 years, Rhodes has made 128 Network placements and become a $1 Million Producer (no small feat, by the way). Despite all of that, he’s STILL making the effort to build recruiter relationships with other Preferred Members, even if they haven’t been in the Network that long.
Take this most recent placement with Lois Rupkey of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc. She became a Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter in May of this year! That didn’t matter, though, as Rhodes reached out to Rupkey and eventually made a split placement with her.
It’s the investment in Top Echelon that recruiters like Terry Rhodes make on a daily basis that is the main reason the Network provides as much value as it does. As long as the desire to build recruiter relationships and make split placements exist, the Network will continue to thrive and continue to provide a substantial return to recruiters who choose to make the same investment.
Congratulations to everybody who made split placements this week!
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Terry Rhodes

Lois Rupkey
“Terry Rhodes is a TE affiliate who has reached out to us with candidates and is following our jobs. As a new TE Member, we enjoy the relationships that are being built. We would have never made this placement without Terry’s help!”
Submitted by Lois Rupkey of Byrnes & Rupkey, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Terry Rhodes of NewCareers
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Rupkey and Rhodes have made together in Top Echelon.)
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Bruce Mendenhall
“Gene was great with follow-up and obtained additional information regarding the candidate’s strengths for this position that proved invaluable getting this candidate placed.”
Submitted by Bruce Mendenhall of Aloche Executive Search regarding his Network split placement with Gene McQueen of the Cameron Craig Group
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that Mendenhall and McQueen have made together in Top Echelon.)
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Carol Martin, CPC

Jeff Ploeger
“Thanks again, Carol! This is our third placement together this year. Keep them coming!“
Submitted by Jeff Ploeger of Ploeger Recruiting Services regarding his Network split placement with Carol Martin, CPC of Martin Management, Inc.
Fee Percentage—20%
(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Ploeger and Martin have made together in Top Echelon.)