Poll: Experiencing Success in Top Echelon Network

We recently conducted a poll of Top Echelon Network recruiters by posting a question in the Members’ Area.

That question was as follows:

How quickly did you achieve Network success in Top Echelon?


The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:

  • Within the first six months — 38.9%
  • Within the first year — 35.4%
  • Within the first 18 months — 4.4%
  • Within the first two years — 7.1%
  • Hold on, I just joined! — 1.8%
  • I haven’t achieved success yet. — 12.4%


The majority of respondents have enjoyed Network success within the first year, as 38.9% have done so within the first six months and another 35.4% have done so within the first 12 months. Add those percentages, and you’re looking at a 66.3% success rate through the first year.

Poll participants have also enjoyed success within longer time frames, namely the first 18 months (4.4%), the first two years (7.1%).

However, the third-most popular answer was “I haven’t achieved success yet.” The percentage of recruiters choosing that answer was 12.4%.

Analysis and conclusion:

Of the percentage of recruiters who have yet to become successful in Top Echelon Network, we don’t know at a glance how long they’ve been members of the Network. If they’ve all been members less than three years, one might assume that the majority of them (if not all of them) will experience success eventually.

The chances of that being the case, though, are slim. Unfortunately, not everybody “hits the ground running” once they become part of the Network. However, the majority of recruiters are successful, and our goal is to help everybody who joins Top Echelon experience that same level of success.

If you have a question about your membership, then I encourage you to contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS at 330.455.1433, x156 or via email at drea@topechelon.com.

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