Fall Conference Registration Starts on Monday, July 6!
Okay, we’re building up to Early Bird Registration for the Fall Conference!
That’s because the Fall Conference registration period starts on Monday, July 6.
Starting on that day, you’ll be able to sign up for the conference at the low price of $225 per person.
As you probably know by now, the dates of the Fall Conference are Tuesday, October 13, and Wednesday, October 14, and the site is the Sheraton O’Hare Suites in Chicago.
We’ve used the Sheraton for the Fall Conference for many years now, and we’ve done so for a number of reasons:
- It’s close to the Chicago O’Hare Airport, as the name of the hotel denotes.
- It’s designed well for our meeting purposes.
- It’s easy for conference attendees to navigate.
- The suites have an area for business, in addition to the bedroom and bathroom. (More than one Network recruiter has cited this as a plus.)
And also as you probably already know, Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS of Good as Gold Traning will be keynote speaker at the Fall Conference.
And she has another video message for you this week . . .
[iframe src=”//player.vimeo.com/video/130761220?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ height=”675″ width=”1080″]
Look at your calendar, and if there’s any way to join us in October, save those dates and plan to join us for the Fall Conference.
Come to Chicago, meet your trading partners, meet new recruiters, and make more placements!