Even MORE Quick Tips for TE Network Success

At Top Echelon, we’re ALL about best practices. That’s especially the case with our split fee recruiting network.

Over the course of the past several weeks, I’ve been presenting some quick tips for more success in Top Echelon Network. And I’m glad to announce that I have more of them!

As I’ve stated before, success in the Network results from a combination of proficiency with both human interaction and technology, including Top Echelon’s recruiting database of candidates and job orders.

(For specific questions about Top Echelon software and/or technology, the Help Center is available 24/7 to answer your questions and provide assistance.)

With all of this in mind, below are even MORE quick tips for experiencing success in Top Echelon’s recruiter network:

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Tip #1: Never Source Off Another Member’s Candidate

Never “source off” or try to gain referrals from another Top Echelon Network member’s candidate.

This is in violation of Network Policy #2.

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Tip #2: Keep Your Trading Partners Apprised

Keep your split trading partners apprised of ANY activity that happens regarding their candidates. That way, they don’t have to waste their time trying to find out the status of the job order in question.

You MUST notify them in advance of any “FACE-TO-FACE” interviews that you have arranged. You SHOULD notify them in advance of any PHONE interviews that you have arranged. In addition, you MUST provide post-interview feedback to the other member, regardless of whether it’s a PHONE interview or a “FACE-TO-FACE” interview.

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Tip #3: When to Break Communication

Top Echelon Network urges recruiters to break the chain of communication with a candidate for a period of no less than 18 months after:

  • The candidate is placed in a direct hire position.
  • The placement fee is received and split between the two recruiters.
  • The guarantee period is satisfied.

Assuming the chain of communication was broken, if that candidate decides on their own after 18 months to initiate contact with either of the recruiters, that is their prerogative.

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If you want to be more successful in the Network right NOW, then please contact me.

You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.

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