Early Bird Registration for the Fall Conference is LIVE
You can register for the 2019 Top Echelon Fall Conference!
That’s because Early Bird Registration for the conference is now live. You can sign up for just $249 per person.
We strive to keep the cost of attending our recruiter networking events as low as we possibly can. From our perspective, there is no good reason to raise the price, regardless of inflation.
That’s because we want you to attend. When you attend, you meet other recruiters and build trading partner relationships. And when you do that, you make split placements.
Live from Chicago . . . it’s the Fall Conference!
Not only is Early Bird Registration for the Fall Conference now live, but it will be available until August 31. Regular Registration for the Fall Conference will run from September 1 until October 9. The price of Regular Registration will be $295 per person.
This year’s Fall Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 21, though Wednesday, October 23. The site of the conference is the Sheraton O’Hare Suites (formerly the Sheraton Gateway Suites). Our room rate with the Sheraton O’Hare Suites is $189 per night. That rate is good for Top Echelon split network members attending the conference.
To make hotel reservations at the Sheraton O’Hare Suites, call 1.847.699.6300. Be sure to reference the “Top Echelon conference” and its dates when you make the reservation. Please note there are a limited number of rooms available at that rate for our group. As such, they will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Sheraton O’Hare Suites is located near the Chicago O’Hare Airport. A courtesy shuttle will be available for your transportation. Also keep in mind that you do not have to stay at the Sheraton O’Hare Suites. You also have the option of staying at any hotel of your choice and traveling to the Sheraton.
How and where to register
Now . . . how can you register for the Fall Conference? Once again, we have a special website for conference registration. Click here to visit that website, which contains the following information:
- The preliminary agenda
- The speakers (including representatives from Haley Marketing!)
- A link to register for the conference
- A link to book your room at the Sheraton O’Hare Suites
Or, if you want to “cut right to the chase,” you can click the link below to register for the Fall Conference:
Yes, I want to register!
It’s a proven fact that attending our events helps recruiters enjoy more success as members of Top Echelon’s split network. This event will be no different. I can promise you that there will be sessions and activities specifically designed to help increase your billings. And I don’t mean just your TE billings. I mean your overall billings, as well.
So sign up, save some money, and make some placements!
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!