Thinking and Acting Like a Stage 2 Networker in TE

Last week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, I examined the Stage 1 Networker as part of my analysis of the Five Stages of a Networker. In that blog post, I asked you to compare the attributes of a Stage 1 Networker to yourself in terms of where you believe you are as a recruiter in Top Echelon Network.

So as you might imagine, I’m going to ask the same of you this week . . . although this time I’m taking a close look at the Stage 2 Networker. This networker is further along in their development, but they still have some work to do before they can reap the full benefits of TE membership. (That means making multiple split placements.)

As you read each of the points below, start thinking about how you would rate yourself in these areas. Are you a Stage 2 Networker? Are you ready to take the next step as a Top Echelon Network recruiter? This exercise will help you determine the answers to these questions.

Below is a description of recruiters who think and act like a Stage 2 Networker in Top Echelon:

Stage 2 Networker

This stage of networker is now “sending out roots” to attempt to establish themselves in our recruiting network.


The Stage 2 Networker feels that networking can help them, but they still need to see results before they’re a true believer in split business.


They are willing to share to some degree, but they’re still cautious and will hold back their best candidates and best job orders. They will reluctantly share the name of a client with another recruiter.


They will submit some candidates and job orders to the Network and will let the results of those items determine if they will make more of a time investment.


They’ve found that running simple searches in the Network software is relatively easy. They also understand that the Network Dashboard offers other features, but they haven’t explored those yet.


Their expectations are normally high. They can see the potential, but they expect other recruiters to respond to their job orders and to place their candidates.


If they generate a flurry of activity, they may get lucky and make a placement. If they only share a limited number of candidates and job orders, they most likely will not make a placement. Many Stage 2 Networkers will submit some candidates and job orders a few times. If the response is less than their expectations, they will stop altogether.


Although their intentions are good, they still hold back their excellent candidates and job orders. They will share their mediocre candidates and job orders, but they try to keep the best for themselves.

Trading partners:

They’ve had contact with many Top Echelon Network members. Although most of these contacts have been pleasant, they’ve contacted enough people to have a few “not so good” experiences, as well.

Network billings:

Typically $0 to $10,000 in a 12-month period. In a strong economy, the Stage 2 Networker does not recognize the value of the Network to their bottom line.

Network satisfaction:

They are somewhat pleased with Top Echelon Network as a service company. However, if expenses need to be cut, Top Echelon would be one of the first to go.

If you that believe that you’re thinking and acting like a Stage 2 Networker and you want to evolve as quickly as possible, please contact me. You can do so at 330.595.1742 or at

We can discuss how you can take the next step in your development in our split fee recruiting network.

Now that we’ve addressed the second stage of networking as a recruiter in TE, we’ll turn to the third stage in a future issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

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