Compliment Your Trading Partners Right HERE!

Preferred Member recruiter John Zurek of Zurek Professional Resources, LLC gave me a great idea recently.  That’s because he complimented a Trading Partner for a recent split placement simply by leaving a comment at the bottom of the Pinnacle blog post in which the placement was highlighted.

Although many recruiters choose to include their comments with their Completed Placement Forms, that’s certainly not the only way to publicly praise Trading Partners for their help closing a deal.

It’s possible that some Preferred Member recruiters prefer to do what Zurek did: simply post a comment at the end of the blog post.  No runs, no drips, no errors.  (Bonus points if you can identify the commercial that spawned that “catch” phrase.  Email your answer to me.)

Anyway, I’d like to invite you to do just that.  Specifically, if you make a Network split placement and we publish it in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, please comment on that placement and compliment your Trading Partner for their help in making it happen.

This goes not just for this week, but for the rest of this year.  After all, everybody loves placement checks and everybody loves receiving kudos with their placement checks.  Throw in some cake and ice cream, and what more could you ask for?  (No, we’re not providing the cake and ice cream . . . I already asked.)


David Wood, CPCThomas EdwardsJob order recruiter: David Wood, CPC of The David Wood Company

Candidate recruiter: Thomas Edwards of Front Line Solutions, LLC


Fee percentage—25%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Chris WellingtonPeter AmbroseJob order recruiter: Chris Wellington of Bio-Partners Search Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Peter Ambrose of Reliance Recruiting, LLC


Fee percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: Active candidate was sent to me by the Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter.

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Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC

Ron Sunshine

describe the image
Job order recruiter: Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates

Candidate recruiter: Brian Courtney of The Courtney Group


Fee percentage—20%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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Terri Conroy, CPCRuss LloydJob order recruiter: Terri Conroy, CPC of Executive Search Associates

Candidate recruiter: Russ Lloyd of Cube Management

Job title: Chief Financial Officer

Fee percentage—21%

Action causing split placement: Regular communication with another Top Echelon Network Preferred Member recruiter

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