‘Comments and Compliments’: the ‘Recruiter of the Month’ Edition!

We love when things go together in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog—like chocolate and peanut butter!

Speaking of things that go together, the recruiter we’re featuring in this week’s installment of “Comments and Compliments” is also the “Recruiter of the Month” for January: Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC.

'Comments' and ComplimentsSpeaking of chocolate, Hemminger specifically mentions that delicious food in her comments regarding one of the recent split placements she made with a Trading Partner.  Did she mention peanut butter in her comments regarding the other split placement?  No, but now we’re hungry for a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.  Aren’t you?  We thought so.

If you’d like to compliment one of your Trading Partners for a recent split placement (and mention chocolate AND/OR peanut butter in the process), send your comments to marketing@TopEchelon.com, and they’ll appear in a future issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog.

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Maria HemmingerTrey Cameron“We’ve done so many placements with Trey . . . he owes me chocolate!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: this is the third split placement that Hemminger and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon Network.)

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Maria Hemminger“Randy Wyatt—THE Randy Wyatt.  We’ve partied with him, danced with him, vacationed with him, and finally done a split with him.  Randy shared this candidate with us in 2008, and we finally placed her.  She was sent to us via his website at the time.  Thanks, Randy!”

Submitted by Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC regarding her split placement with Randy Wyatt of Olympus Recruiting (non-Member)

Fee Percentage—25%

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If you have compliments for a Trading Partner regarding a split placement, please email them to marketing@TopEchelon.com.

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