Central Ohio Regional Core Group Meeting on November 12
Regional Core Groups are one of the BEST ways that Top Echelon Network recruiters can meet new Trading Partners, share hot job orders and candidates, network, and make more split placements.
And I’m pleased to announce that another Regional Core Group meeting is approaching!
The Core Group involved is the Central Ohio Regional Core Group. This group has been in operation for the last several years and is one of the most popular and most productive Core Groups that we’ve had in the 26-year existence of the Network.
The group’s upcoming meeting is next month—Wednesday, November 12, specifically. What’s unique about this meeting is that we have an online registration process for it, similar to what we offer with the Fall Conference and National Convention. (The link for registering is at the bottom of this blog post.)
We’re expecting between 40 and 50 Network recruiters at this event, and if you can make it, I strongly encourage you to attend. You won’t be disappointed.
The details regarding the next meeting of the Central Ohio Regional Core Group are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Eastern Time
Location: Catering by Design
Address: 6465 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
Phone number: 614.436.1234
Speaker: TBD (an announcement will be made once the agenda is released)
Cost: $35 per person, payable by credit card by clicking on the registration link below
Register for the meeting.
See the agenda for the meeting.
See who’s already registered.
If you’d like to join another existing Regional Core Group or if you’re thinking about starting a new one. contact me at 330.455.1433, x156.