If you are a recruiter, you’re quite familiar with the phrase “cultural fit,” but in most cases it’s coming from a client who wants to make sure a new hire will fit in with the existing team. But cultural fit…
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There are now four generally recognized generations in the workforce, each with its own attitudes and approaches to work. But they all have one thing in common: contract staffing works for ALL of them, even if it may be for different…
Read MoreIt’s no secret that we like to grade things around here (Exhibit A and Exhibit B). One reason is that it’s fun. Another reason is that I received a dual degree in education . . . that I never actually…
Read MoreFor quite some time now, we’ve been under the impression that the average tenure of a recruiter in Top Echelon Network was 15 years. In other words, that the average length of time that a Network member has been a…
Read MoreIn the past, we’ve asked you to submit your craziest recruiting stories. In fact, we even had a contest one year. Guess what? We’re doing it again! (Well, maybe not the contest part.) You may have noticed that we recently…
Read MoreA couple of weeks ago, we announced that Greg Doersching of Bullseye Mentor was offering premium training at a discounted price to Top Echelon Network reccruiters. This training consists of webinars offered throughout all of next year, and the first…
Read MoreAs you probably already know, Greg Doersching of Bullseyes Mentor will be the main speaker at the 2016 Top Echelon National Convention. However, there is also more good news: Top Echelon Network members qualify for a discount on two recruiter…
Read MoreYou probably know the old axiom by heart: “Time kills all deals.” It applies to just about every business situation, including those within the realm of recruiting. If the interviewing and hiring process drags on for too long, the chances of…
Read MoreAt Top Echelon, we encourage Network recruiters to send possible questions for our weekly Members’ Area poll . . . and we have just such a question this week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog! Since Industry & Manufacturing has been…
Read MoreTop Echelon’s Virtual Core Groups have been going strong for the past nine years. They’ve been heavily attended, and Network recruiters have used them to make countless placements with one another. For the majority of those nine years, the Virtual…
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